HTTP status
错误码 错误信息 描述 400 CanNotDeleteServer The server can not be deleted. Please stop the server, prepare a new server with same IP, and recover it. 服务器不能被移除。 400 CanNotRemoveDefaultPath This path path is the default disk path, please specify a new default disk path first. 无法移除默认数据目录。 400 CanNotRemoveServer The base server serverId can not be removed. Please migrate the base service on it and retry. 基础服务器不能删除,请先迁移服务器上的基础服务,然后重试。 400 DeleteServerForcibly Force delete should be used when deleting a server. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss. 移除服务器时,必须使用强制移除,且有丢数据的风险。 400 ExceedMaxPathCount You can only add 100 local storage paths. 每台服务器最多只能添加100个数据目录。 400 InsufficientPath The disk path can not be deleted because the server must have at least one disk path. 数据目录不能被移除,因为服务器至少要有一个数据目录。 400 InsufficientSpace This method is not allowed because there is no more space to store data. 不能执行此操作,因为存储空间不足。 400 InvalidDiskPath The disk paths do not exist: serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]].
The available disk space must be greater than or equal to 1 GiB for each disk path: serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]].
The disk paths can not access: serverIP: diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]].
The disk paths must be directory: serverIP: diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]].
The disk paths include incompatible data: serverIP: diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]].
The disk paths can not contain commas:
serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]].
The disk paths is already on the server and the status is removing: serverIP:diskPaths [,_diskPaths_...]
因数据目录有问题导致操作失败。 400 InvalidDiskPathCapacityQuota The capacity quota for the following disk paths failed to satisfy constraint. It must be integer and not greater than the total capacity of disk path.
serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [;serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]..].
容量配额参数错误。 400 InvalidLong Value value at 'argument' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must be of type long. 参数填写错误,取值必须为长整型。 400 InvalidPathStatus The path path status is 'status', the request is invalid. 数据目录状态不正确,无法执行操作。 400 InvalidTargetPortalIP Value at 'ips' failed to satisfy constraint: only support set one Target portal IP. iSCSI目标门户IP、Port只允许输入一组。 400 MissingTargetPortalIP Value null at 'ip' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must not be null when Target portal IP is enabled. iSCSI目标门户IP不能为空。 400 MissingTargetPortalIPOrPort Target portal IP and port must exist at the same time. iSCSI目标门户IP和Port要同时存在。 400 MissingTargetPortalPort Value null at 'port' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must not be null when Target portal IP is enabled. iSCSI目标门户Port不能为空。 400 NoSuchService The serviceName service does not exist on server serverid. 待迁移的基础服务在源服务器不存在。 400 PathUsed The path path is being used by LUN lunName, lunName..., please delete the LUN first. 路径正在被卷使用,请先删除卷后再重试。 400 RemoveFaultDomainRisk Can not remove multiple fault domains at the same time. You can use force remove. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss. 无法同时移除的多个故障域。 400 RemoveNodeRisk The node nodeName or its child nodes are being used by a storage pool.
Removing the node may cause data loss. You can use force remove. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss.
移除节点可能会引起数据丢失。只能使用强制移除。请注意,强制移除,会产生数据丢失风险,请谨慎操作。 400 RemovePathRisk The path path status is 'status'. Removing the path may cause data loss. You can use force remove. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss. 数据目录状态不正常,移除数据目录可能会引起数据丢失。只能使用强制移除。请注意,强制移除,会产生数据丢失风险,请谨慎操作。 400 RemovePathRisk There is LUN with redundancy mode, which has the minimum requirement for the number of paths.
LUN: lunName1[, lunName2....]
Removing the path may cause data loss. You can use force remove. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss.
数据目录移除后会造成卷数据损毁:lunName1[, lunName2....]。
400 RemoveServerRisk There is LUN with high availability disabled, and the LUN is connected with the client.
LUN: lunName1[, lunName2....]
There is LUN with redundancy mode, which has the minimum requirement for the number of servers.
LUN: lunName1[, lunName2....]
There is Target IQN which has no available server to migrate, removing server will cause the IQN deleted.
Target: TargetIQN1_[, TargetIQN2....]_
Removing the server may cause data loss. You can use force remove. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss.
400 RestartServerRisk There is no more space to store data or HBlock encountered an internal error. You can use force restart. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss. 重启服务器失败。可以强制重启,但有丢失数据风险。 400 StandaloneModeNotAllowed 'operation' is not supported by standalone mode of HBlock. 单机版本HBlock不支持该操作。 400 SystemCrashRisk The node nodename can not be removed because there is only one available fault domain left in the base storage pool, or the node is related to multiple fault domains in the base pool, removing node may result in a system crash. 无法移除节点,存在以下情况之一,移除节点可能引发系统崩溃:基础存储池仅剩一个可用故障域时,无法移除故障域内的任何节点;节点涉及基础存储池的多个故障域。 404 NoSuchPath The path path does not exist in the HBlock. 路径不存在。 404 NoSuchServer The server with ID serverId does not exist. 服务器不存在。 404 NoTargetPortalIP TargetPortalIP is not configured. 没有配置Target portal IP。 409 ConflictWithServiceMigrating Failed to action because the service serviceName on serverId is migrating to serverid. 基础服务正在迁移,无法执行操作。 409 InvalidServiceStatus The status of service serviceName on serverId is 'status', the request is invalid. 某节点上的服务状态异常,不运行执行操作。 409 InvalidServerStatus The server status is 'status', the request is invalid. 服务器当前的状态不正确,请求无效。 409 PortConflict Error: the following port is/ports are in use.
server_ID/IP/local server: port_name port[, port_name port...]
端口冲突。 409 RemovingAnotherPath There is another path being removed. You can use force remove. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss. 有数据目录正在移除时,不能再移除其他数据目录。如果必须移除,请使用强制移除,但有丢数据风险。 409 RemovingAnotherServer There is another server being removed. You can use force remove. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss. 有服务器正在移除时,不能再移除其他服务器。如果必须移除,请使用强制移除,但有丢数据风险。 409 ServiceAlreadyExists The service serviceName already exists on server serverid. 待迁移的服务在目标服务器上已存在。 409 ServerAlreadyExists The server with IP IP already exists. 服务器IP已经存在。 500 InsufficientResource Operation failed due to insufficient resources. 内存或其他资源不足,操作失败。