./stor { --help | -h }
[root@hblockserver CTYUN_HBlock_Plus_3.8.0_x64]# ./stor --help
stor <command> [options]
stor <command> <subcommand> [options]
Type 'stor --help <command>' or 'stor --help <command> <subcommand>' to print help on a specific subcommand.
Type 'stor --version' to print HBlock version.
Available commands:
alarm View and manage alarms.
config Configure HBlock.
event Event information.
info Get HBlock information.
install Install HBlock.
license Manage HBlock license(s).
logcollect Log collection information.
lun Manage LUN(s).
monitor Get performance data.
restart Restart HBlock.
server Manage HBlock server(s).
setup Initialize HBlock.
start Start HBlock.
status Get HBlock status.
stop Stop HBlock.
storagepool Manage storage pools.
target Manage Target(s).
topology Manage topology.
tuning Adjusting parameters to fit different scenarios.
uninstall Uninstall HBlock on all servers.
upgrade Upgrade HBlock.
General subcommands:
add Add an entity, such as adding a LUN or server.
ls List entities or the specified entity, such as listing servers or the specified server.
rm Remove an entity, such as removing a LUN or server.
set Set entity properties, such as setting LUN or server properties.
Available subcommands for alarm:
R[resolve] Set a specified alarm record to Resolved status.
M[mute] Set the mute status of a specified alarm record to Muted status, stop receiving its alarm emails and not list it by default.
UM[unmute] Set the mute status of a specified alarm record to Normal status.
E[export] Export alarm records to a file.
Available subcommands for lun:
D[disable] Disable LUN.
E[enable] Enable LUN.
RC[recover] Recover the specified LUN from the cloud.
RS[resume] Resume recovery of a previously failed LUN.
S[switch] Switch between active and standby iSCSI Targets.
X[expand] Expand LUN.
Available subcommands for monitor:
V[view] Get real-time performance data.
E[export] Export historical performance data to a file.
Available subcommands for server:
A[addpath] Add path(s) to store data.
R[rmpath] Remove path(s).
S[setpath] Set path(s) properties.
Available subcommands for storagepool:
A[addnode] Add node(s) to storage pool.
R[rmnode] Remove node(s) from storage pool.
Available subcommands for upgrade:
T[status] Get upgrade status.
[root@hblockserver CTYUN_HBlock_Plus_3.8.0_x64]# ./stor lun --help
lun: Manage LUN(s).
Usage: lun <subcommand> [options]
Type 'stor --help lun <subcommand>' to print help on a specific subcommand.
Available subcommands:
add Create LUN.
D[disable] Disable LUN.
E[enable] Enable LUN.
ls List all iSCSI LUNs or the specified LUN.
RC[recover] Recover the specified LUN from the cloud.
RS[resume] Resume recovery of a previously failed LUN.
prefer Set server affinity of active and standby iSCSI Targets for LUN.
rm Remove LUN.
S[switch] Switch between active and standby iSCSI Targets.
set Set LUN properties.
X[expand] Expand LUN.