HTTP status 错误码 错误信息 描述 400 CanNotAddNodeToPool The node nodeName has no available paths added to storage pool poolname. 该节点没有可用的path节点添加到存储池。 400 CanNotDeleteBasePool The storage pool with name poolName can not be deleted. It is a base pool. 无法删除基础存储池。 400 CanNotDeleteNode The node nodeName can not be deleted. Please remove its child nodes and try again. 该节点不能移除,需要先移除它的子节点后才能移除该节点。 400 CanNotDeleteRootNode The type of node nodeName is root, it cannot be deleted. 不能删除根节点。 400 CanNotMoveNode The node nodeName can not be moved. Please make sure the node type is not lower than the fault domain level of storage pool which its leaf node belongs to. 节点不满足重新映射条件,请修改后重试。 400 DuplicatedNode The node with name nodeName is not unique in the topology. 节点名称在集群中不唯一。 400 ExceedThreshold The number of operation cannot exceed value. 超出了系统允许的最大个数,无法执行该操作。 400 InvalidEnumValue Value value at 'node type' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must satisfy enum value set: [value1, value2...] 节点类型错误,不符合枚举值。 400 InvalidFile Failed to parse file filename. 文件格式不正确。 400 InvalidNodeName Value value at 'node name' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must contain only letters, digits, dots(.), underscores(_)) or hyphens(-), and does not exceed 63 characters, must begin with a letter or digit. 节点名称不正确。长度范围1~63,只能由字母、数字、句点(.)、下划线(_)和短横线(-)组成,字母区分大小写,且仅支持以字母或数字开头。 400 InvalidNodeType Value value at 'node type' failed to satisfy constraint: the first node type must be root. 节点类型的包含关系错误,第一个节点必须是root。 400 InvalidNodeType Value value at 'node type' failed to satisfy constraint: childNodes of room are limited to [rack, server], childNodes of rack to [server], childNodes of server to [path] only. 节点类型的包含关系错误。room的节点仅限于rack、server,机架的子节点是server,server的子节点是path。 400 InvalidPoolName Value value at 'pool name' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must contain only letters, digits, underscores(_) or hyphens(-), and does not exceed 16 characters, must begin with a letter or digit. 存储池名称不正确。 400 InvalidTopology Failed to parse topology. 拓扑格式不符合要求。 400 InvalidTopologyContent The content of the topology is not compliant. 拓扑文件内容解析错误。 400 InsufficientPath The base storage pool must have at least one disk path. 基础存储池至少要有一个数据目录。 400 LUNCorruptedRisk There is a LUN with redundancy mode, which has the minimum requirement for the number of fault domains. LUN: lunName1[, lunName2....] Removing the node may cause data loss. You can use force remove. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss. 节点移除后会造成卷数据损毁:lunName1[, lunName2....]。移除节点可能会引起数据丢失。只能使用强制移除。请注意,强制移除,会产生数据丢失风险,请谨慎操作。 400 LUNExists There are LUNs in this storage pool Please delete all LUNs and try again. 存储池关联的卷不存在。 400 MissingRequiredAncestorNode The node nodeName has no ancestor node with type nodetype. 没有对应的父节点类型。 400 MissingRequiredDescendantNode The node nodeName has no descendant node with type nodetype. 没有对应的子节点类型。 400 NodeAlreadyExists The node with name nodeName has already exists in the topology. 节点名称已经在拓扑图中存在。 400 NodeNotAllowed The type of node nodeName is type, the request is invalid. 节点名称和节点类型不匹配。 400 NoSuchFile The file with name filename does not exist. 文件不存在。 400 NoSuchNode The node with name nodeName does not exist. 节点不存在。 400 NoSuchStoragePool The storage pool with name poolName does not exist. 存储池不存在。 400 NodeTypeNotMatch Node type does not match. Please check parent node type. 节点类型不匹配,请检查父节点。 400 PathConflict Can not use path pathName because it belongs to another storage pool. 不能添加该节点,因为该节点已经属于其他存储池。 400 PermissionDenied Failed to action because user has no permission. 用户的权限不足,无法执行操作。 400 PoolAlreadyExists The storage pool with name poolName already exists. 存储池名字已经存在。 400 RemoveFaultDomainRisk Can not remove multiple fault domains at the same time. You can use force remove. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss. 无法同时移除的多个故障域。 400 RemoveNodeRisk The node nodeName or its child nodes are being used by a storage pool.
Removing the node may cause data loss. You can use force remove. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss.
移除节点可能会引起数据丢失。只能使用强制移除。请注意,强制移除,会产生数据丢失风险,请谨慎操作。 400 SamePool Cannot use the same storage pool poolName. 不能使用名字相同的存储池。 400 StandaloneModeNotAllowed 'operation' is not supported by standalone mode of HBlock. 单机版本HBlock不支持该操作。 400 SystemCrashRisk The node nodename can not be removed because there is only one available fault domain left in the base storage pool, or the node is related to multiple fault domains in the base pool, removing node may result in a system crash. 无法移除节点,存在以下情况之一,移除节点可能引发系统崩溃:基础存储池仅剩一个可用故障域时,无法移除故障域内的任何节点;节点涉及基础存储池的多个故障域。 409 InvalidPoolStatus The status of storage pool poolName is 'status', the request is invalid. 存储池当前的状态不正确,请求无效。