HTTP status | 错误码 | 错误信息 | 描述 |
400 | BadUserName | Value 'value' at 'argument' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument can only contain letters and digits, and has length between 5 and 16. | 用户名不合法。取值:字符串形式,长度范围是5~16,只能由数字和字母组成,字母区分大小。 |
400 | CanNotConnectToIP | Can not connect to the IP IP. | 无法连接指定的IP。 |
400 | CanNotConnectToServer | Can not connect to the server IP[:port]. | 无法连接指定的服务器。 |
400 | ClusterNetworkDoesNotMatch | All IPs on the server serverIP do not match the 'cluster network' clusterNetwork. | 服务器的IP和cluster network不匹配。 |
400 | DuplicateIP | The IP IP of 'argument' is duplicated. | 服务的IP地址重复。 |
400 | InconsistentIPformat | The server IPs in the cluster should be unified as IPv4 or IPv6 format when cluster network is not specified. | 如果不指定集群网络,集群内服务器IP应统一为IPv4或IPv6格式。 |
400 | InsufficientPath | The base storage pool must have at least one disk path. | 基础存储池至少要有一个数据目录。 |
400 | InsufficientPorts | Insufficient available ports, need to increase the port range by N ports. | 端口范围中可用端口数量不足,请调整范围使之至少增加N个端口。 |
400 | InvalidCIDR | Value CIDR at 'networkType network' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument does not match the IP of the 'localhost'/''/'0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1' server. | 当server ip包含localhost、或0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1时,用户指定的'cluster/public network和服务器IP不匹配。 |
400 | InvalidClusterNetwork | Value clusterNetwork at 'cluster network' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must satisfy CIDR specifications. | 集群网格式错误。 |
400 | InvalidDiskPath | The disk paths do not exist: serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]]. The available disk space must be greater than or equal to 1 GiB for each disk path: serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]]. The disk paths can not access: serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]]. The disk paths must be directory: serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]]. The disk paths include incompatible data: serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]]. The disk paths can not contain commas: serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [; serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]]. | 初始化过程中,因数据目录有问题而导致的失败。 |
400 | InvalidDiskPathCapacityQuota | The capacity quota for the following disk paths failed to satisfy constraint. It must be integer and not greater than the total capacity of disk path. serverIP:diskPaths [,diskPaths...] [;serverIP:diskPaths[,diskPaths...]..]. | 容量配额参数错误。 |
400 | InvalidEnumValue | Value value at 'argument' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must satisfy enum value set: [value1, value2... ]. | 枚举参数不合法。 |
400 | InvalidIP | Value IP at 'argument' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must satisfy IPv4 or IPv6 specifications. | IP格式错误。 |
400 | InvalidLong | Value value at 'argument' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must be of type long. | 参数填写错误,必须为长整型。 |
400 | InvalidMetaDir | The meta directory serverIP:metaDir is invalid. reason | 服务数据目录无效,请修改后重试。 |
400 | InvalidNewPassword | Value value at 'new password' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must have length between 8 and 16, and must contain 3 of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, special symbols (~! @ # $% ^ & * () _ + [] {} | ;:,. / <>?) , and must not contain any of the following: 3 consecutive repeating characters, 3 consecutive or in-reverse order of numbers or letters (case-insensitive) , 3 consecutive or in-reverse order of keyboard sequences (case-insensitive) | 新密码不符合规则。长度范围8~16,至少包含以下字符中的3种:大写字母、小写字母、数字、特殊字符 (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + [ ] { } | ; : , . / < > ?),区分大小写。不能包含:3个连续重复的字符,3个连续或反序的数字、或字母(不区分大小写),3个连续或反序的键盘序列(不区分大小写)。 |
400 | InvalidNodeName | Value value at 'node name' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must contain only letters, digits, dots(.), underscores(_) or hyphens(-), and does not exceed 63 characters, must begin with a letter or digit. | 节点名称不正确。长度范围1~63,只能由字母、数字、句点(.)、下划线(_)和短横线(-)组成,字母区分大小写,且仅支持以字母或数字开头。 |
400 | InvalidNodeType | Value value at 'node type' failed to satisfy constraint: the first node type must be root. | 节点类型的包含关系错误,第一个节点必须是root。 |
400 | InvalidNodeType | Value value at 'node type' failed to satisfy constraint: childNodes of room are limited to [rack, server], childNodes of rack to [server], childNodes of server to [path] only. | 节点类型的包含关系错误。room的节点仅限于rack、server,机架的子节点是server,server的子节点是path。 |
400 | InsufficientPath | The base storage pool must have at least one disk path. | 基础存储池至少要有一个数据目录。 |
400 | InvalidPort | Value value at 'argument' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must have value between 1 and 65535. | Port的取值必须在[1, 65535]之间。 |
400 | InvalidPortRange | Value value at 'port range' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must satisfy pattern 'port1-port2', where port1, port2 are positive integers between 1 and 65535, port1 is less than port2. | 参数必须是“port1-port2”格式,port1和port2必须是介于[1,65535]之间的正整数,且port1小于port2。 |
400 | InvalidPublicNetwork | Value publicNetwork at 'public network' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must satisfy CIDR specifications. | 业务网格式错误。 |
400 | InvalidServers | The current server is not in the servers list. | 当前服务器不在servers列表内。 |
400 | InvalidServersCount | The number of servers for xx service shoule be value. | XX服务的服务器数量应该为value台。 |
400 | InvalidStorName | Value 'value' at 'argument' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument can only contain letters, digits, hyphens(-) or underscores(_), and does not exceed 64 characters, must begin with a letter or digit. | HBlock名称不合法。 |
400 | InvalidTopologyContent | The content of the topology is not compliant. | 拓扑文件内容解析错误。 |
400 | MissingClusterNetwork | Value null at 'cluster network' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must not be null when 'server ip' contains 'localhost'/''/'0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1'. | 当server ip包含localhost、或0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1时,集群网不能为空。 |
400 | MissingPublicNetwork | Value null at 'public network' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must not be null when 'server ip' contains 'localhost'/''/'0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1'. | 当server ip包含localhost、或0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1时,业务网不能为空。 |
400 | NotInterfaceIP | The IP IP is not an interface IP address, check and retry. | IP地址不是服务器的接口IP,请修改并重试。 |
400 | ProductTypeDoesNotMatch | HBlock product type does not match. | 产品类型不一致。 |
400 | ServerAlreadyInitialized | The server has been initialized. | 服务器已初始化。 |
400 | StandaloneModeNotAllowed | 'operation' is not supported by standalone mode of HBlock. | 单机版本HBlock不支持该操作。 |
400 | TooFewServers | The number of servers must be greater than or equal to 3. | 服务器必须大于等于3台。 |
400 | UnrecognizedServer | Value IP at 'argument' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must be in the setup server list. | 服务器IP不在初始化服务器列表内。 |
400 | VersionDoesNotMatch | Please replace the HBlock version of server serverIP [,serverIP...] to clutserVersion, then try again. | 版本号不一致。 |
403 | InvalidUserName | Invalid user name. | 用户名不正确。 |
403 | InvalidUserNameOrPassword | Invalid user name or password hash. | 用户名或密码不正确。 |
409 | PortChanged | Initialization failed because the port on the server serverIP is currently used by another service during the initialization process. Please try again. | 端口在初始化过程中被其他服务占用,请重试。 |
409 | PortConflict | The following port is/ports are in use. server_ID/IP/local server: port_name port[, port_name port...] [ server_ID/IP/local server: port_name port[, port_name port...]...] | 端口冲突。 |
500 | InitializeServerFailed | Server serverIP initialization failed, please check the firewall, network, memory, diskpath, etc, or contact technical team for support. | 服务器初始化失败,请检查防火墙、网络、内存、数据目录等设置,或联系技术团队进行支持。 |