400 | InsufficientServers | This method is not allowed because the number of available servers in the cluster is not enough. | 集群中可用服务器数量不足,无法操作,请解决后重试。 |
400 | InvalidCHAPName | Value value at 'chap name' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument can contain letters, digits, dots(.), colons(:), underscores(_) or hyphens(-), and the length is between 3 and 64, must begin with a letter or digit. | CHAP名字不合法。 |
400 | InvalidCHAPPassword | Value value at 'password' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must contain at least 2 of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, underscores(_), and the length is between 12 and 16. | 密码不合法:字符串形式,长度范围是12~16,必须包含大写字母、小写字母、数字、下划线(_)中的至少两种字符,字母区分大小写。 |
400 | InvalidString | Value '' at 'argument' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must not be an empty string. | 参数不能是空字符串。 |
400 | InvalidTargetDest | Invalid Target destination server server_ID. | 目标服务器目前无法创建该Target,请重新选择。 |
400 | InvalidTargetName | Value value at ' target name' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must contain only lowercase letters, digits, dots(.) or hyphens(-), and does not exceed 16 characters, must begin with a letter or digit. | Target名称不正确。 |
400 | InvalidTargetSource | Invalid Target source server server_ID. | Target的源服务器目前不能进行迁移操作,请稍后再试。 |
400 | LessThanMinValue | Value value at 'number' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must be greater than or equal to value. | 该参数必须大于或等于另一个参数。 |
400 | MigrateTargetForcibly | Force migrate should be used when migrating a Target. When using this option, there may be a risk of data loss. | 迁移Target仅能使用强制迁移。请注意,强制移除,会产生数据丢失风险,请谨慎操作。 |
400 | MissingCHAPName | Value null at 'chap name' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must not be null when CHAP is enabled. | 启用CHAP时,缺少CHAP名称。 |
400 | MissingCHAPPassword | Value null at 'password' failed to satisfy constraint: Argument must not be null when CHAP is enabled. | 启用CHAP时,缺少密码。 |
400 | MissingTargetSourceOrDest | Target source and destination server ID must exist when migrating Target server. | 迁移Target时,源和目的服务器ID必须存在。 |
400 | StandaloneModeNotAllowed | 'operation' is not supported by standalone mode of HBlock. | 单机版本HBlock不支持该操作。 |
400 | TooManyServers | The number of servers cannot exceed value. | Target对应的服务器数量不能超过value个。 |
400 | TooManyTargets | The number of Target IQNs cannot exceed 32766. | Target IQN数量超过上限。 |
400 | TooManyTargets | The number of Target IQNs cannot exceed 1. | Target数量超过上限。一次只能迁移1个Target IQN。 |
404 | NoSuchCHAP | The Target with name name has no CHAP. | Target下没有CHAP。 |
404 | NoSuchConnection | The connection does not exist. | 连接不存在。 |
404 | NoSuchTarget | The Target with name targetName does not exist. | Target不存在。 |
404 | NoSuchTargetIP | The Target with IP targetIP does not exist. | IP为该值的Target不存在。 |
409 | InvalidServerStatus | The server status is 'status', the request is invalid. | 服务器当前的状态不正确,请求无效。 |
409 | InvalidStorStatus | The HBlock status is 'status', the request is invalid. | HBlock当前的状态不正确,请求无效。 |
408 | InvalidTargetStatus | The Target status is 'status', the request is invalid. | Target当前的状态不正确,请求无效。 |
409 | LUNExists | There are LUNs in this Target. Please delete all LUNs and try again. | Target有关联的卷。 |
409 | TargetAlreadyExists | The Target with name already exists. | Target已经存在。 |