200 | Ebs.Order.AccessFailed | access bss failed | 访问订单系统失败 |
200 | Ebs.Order.InProgress | order in progress | 订单处理中,可使用订单ID查询或使用原clientToken重试下单 |
200 | Ebs.Order.ProcFailed | order proc failed | 订单处理失败 |
200 | Ebs.Order.OrderChanged | order changed | 订单已取消或撤单 |
200 | Ebs.Order.Accepted | order accepted, resource processing | 资源处理中。请稍后使用masterOrderID或者clientToken重试订单以确认状态 |
200 | Ebs.Order.UserFrozen | account forbidden; maybe freezen or credit not enough | 用户受限,可能是被冻结的账户,或者余额不足 |
200 | Ebs.Order.UserQuotaLimited | user's quotas not enough | 用户配额不足 |
200 | Ebs.Order.RegionServiceAccessFailed | access region service failed | 资源池服务访问失败 |
200 | Ebs.Order.UnexpectedResponse | bss order data damage | 订单系统响应不符合预期,请联系管理员 |
200 | Ebs.Order.ResourceDeployFailed | resource deploy failed | 订单资源施工失败 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.InvalidName | name invalid | 1、云硬盘名称错误,仅允许英文字母数字及_或者-,且长度为2-63字符。 2、云硬盘快照名称错误,仅允许英文字母数字及_或者-,且长度为2-63字符。 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.UserForbiddenOnDemand | user not allowed place ondemand order | 用户不允许订购按需类订单 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.MultiAttachNotSupported | ebs multiattach not supported by region | 资源池不支持共享云硬盘 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.EncrytNotSupported | resource encryption not supportted in the region | 资源池不支持该类型资源的加密 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.InvalidEncryptKey | kmsUUID not exists | 密钥UUID不存在 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.InvalidProjectID | projectID invalid | 企业项目ID不存在 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.DiskModeNotSupported | diskMode not supported | 不支持的磁盘模式 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.DiskTypeNotSupported | 1、diskType not supported. 2、xxx region only supports xxx disk types. | 1、不支持的磁盘类型。 2、xxx资源池可用区仅支持xxx类型云硬盘。 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.InvalidSize | 1、disk size should be in range [xxx ,xxx]. 2、xxx volume's disk size should be in range [xxx G, xxx G]. 3、disk size should be in range [10G ,2T] | 1、单块云硬盘的大小为xxx-xxx。 2、xxx云硬盘的大小为xxx G-xxx G。 3、被卸载的系统盘容量不能超过2T。 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.DiskCountQuotaLimited | disk count quota not enough | 磁盘数目配额不足 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.DiskSizeQuotaLimited | disk size quota not enough | 1、磁盘大小配额不足。 2、配额不足,可创建云硬盘总块数xxx,已创建xxx。 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.TooManyInOneOrder | orderCount bigger than 5 | 单次创建磁盘个数上限为5 |
200 | Ebs.OrderorderCheck.ShrinkNotSupported | shrinking not supported | 云硬盘扩容容量必须大于原盘容量 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.NotAllowedForOnDemand | operation not allowed for on-demand billed resource | 按需计费资源不允许该操作 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.ForbiddenOnSysVolume | forbidden operation for system volume | 禁止对系统盘做此项操作 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.ForbiddenOnAttachedVolume | forbidden operation for attached volume | 只有未挂载状态的盘才能做此项操作 |
200 | EbsSnap.OrderCheck.InvalidName | name invalid | 云硬盘快照名称错误,仅允许英文字母数字及_或者-,且长度为2-63字符 |
200 | EbsSnap.OrderCheck.SnapCountQuotaLimited | snapshot count for single volume exceeds upper limit | 单个云硬盘快照个数超出上限/单个用户快照个数超出上限 |
200 | Ebs.RegionInfo.AccessFailed | querying region failed | 查询资源池失败 |
200 | Ebs.RegionInfo.Empty | region info empty | 资源池信息为空 |
200 | Ebs.RegionInfo.DataDamaged | region info data damaged | 资源池信息不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.UserPermission.AccessFailed | querying user permission failed | 查询用户权限失败 |
200 | Ebs.UserPermission.Empty | user permission empty | 用户权限信息为空 |
200 | Ebs.UserPermission.DataDamaged | user permission data damaged | 用户权限信息不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.UserDetail.AccessFailed | querying user detail failed | 查询用户详情失败 |
200 | Ebs.UserDetail.Empty | user detail info empty | 用户详情信息为空 |
200 | Ebs.UserDetail.DataDamaged | user detail info damaged | 用户详情信息不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.UserKms.AccessFailed | querying user secret keys info failed | 查询用户加密密钥信息失败 |
200 | Ebs.UserKms.DataDamaged | user secret keys damaged | 用户加密密钥数据不符预期 |
200 | Ebsebs.UserQuota.AccessFailed | querying user quota info failed | 查询用户配额失败 |
200 | Ebs.UserQuota.Empty | user quota info empty | 用户配额信息为空 |
200 | Ebs.UserQuota.DataDamaged | user qutoa info damaged | 用户配额信息不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.ResourceInfo.AccessFailed | querying resource info failed | 查询资源失败 |
200 | Ebs.ResourceInfo.NotExists | resource info not exists | 资源信息不存在 |
200 | Ebs.ResourceInfo.DataDamaged | resource info damaged | 资源信息不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.ResourceOrderInfo.AccessFailed | querying resource order info failed | 查询资源订单信息失败 |
200 | Ebs.ResourceOrderInfo.NotExists | resource order info not exists | 资源订单信息不存在 |
200 | Ebs.ResourceOrderInfo.DataDamaged | resource order info damaged | 资源订单信息不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.UserConsumption.AccessFailed | querying user consumption failed | 查询用户已用资源量失败 |
200 | Ebs.UserConsumption.Empty | user consumption info empty | 用户已用资源信息为空 |
200 | Ebs.UserConsumption.DataDamaged | user consumption info damaged | 用户已用资源信息不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.UserResources.AccessFailed | querying user resources failed | 查询用户资源信息失败 |
200 | Ebsebs.UserResources.DataDamaged | user resources info damaged | 用户资源信息不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.UserVisibleRegions.AccessFailed | querying user visible regions failed | 查询用户可见资源池失败 |
200 | Ebs.UserVisibleRegions.DataDamaged | user visible regions info damaged | 用户可见资源池信息不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.EbsInfo.NotExists | volume not exists | 1、云硬盘不存在。 2、该账户下查询不到云硬盘信息。 |
200 | Ebs.EbsInfo.AccessFailed | 1、querying volume info failed. 2、querying volume info failed: check image info failed. | 1、查询云硬盘信息失败。 2、查询云硬盘信息失败:查询镜像信息失败。 |
200 | Ebs.EbsInfo.DataDamaged | volume info damanged: xxx | 云硬盘信息数据不符预期:xxx |
200 | Ebs.SysVolumeInfo.AccessFailed | querying volume info failed | 查询系统盘信息失败 |
200 | Ebs.SysVolumeInfo.DataDamaged | volume info damanged | 系统盘信息数据不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.VolumeOperate.AccessFailed | operation netword error | 操作网络通讯失败 |
200 | Ebs.VolumeOperate.DataDamaged | operation result damaged | 操作结果数据不符预期 |
200 | EbsSnap.EbsSnapshotInfo.DataDamaged | volume snapshot info damaged | 1、云硬盘快照信息数据不符预期。 2、云硬盘不存在此快照xxx。 |
200 | EbsSnap.EbsSnapshotInfo.NotExists | volume snapshot does not exists | 磁盘快照不存在 |
200 | EbsSnap.EbsSnapInfo.StatusNotAllow | snapshot status not allow this operation | 云硬盘快照状态不允许此操作。 |
200 | EbsSnap.SnapshotInfo.OverMax | 1、the count of volume which created by snapshot is max, the count is 128. 2、the capacity of volume which created by snapshot is less than source disk. | 1、快照创建的云硬盘个数已达到最大值128。 2、快照创建的云硬盘容量小于快照源盘容量。 |
200 | EbsSnap.SnapshotInfo.DiskMode | disk mode is not allowed to create snap | 云硬盘模式不允许创建快照/云硬盘模式不允许开通快照服务 |
200 | Ebs.EbsSnapInfo.AccessFailed | querying snapshot info failed | 查询云硬盘快照信息失败 |
200 | Ebs.Image.ImageStatusException | image status exception | 镜像不是正常状态, 不能进行创建盘 |
200 | Ebs.Image.VolumeSizeLimit | the capacity of volume which created by image is less than source disk | 从镜像创建的盘容量小于镜像源盘, 不能进行创建盘 |
200 | Ebs.Image.EncryptLimit | data_volume from image is not support encrypt | 从镜像创建的数据盘不支持加密 |
200 | Ebs.ImageInfo.DataDamaged | image info damanged | 获取镜像信息数据不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.ImageInfo.RegionLimit | Inconsistent data disk and image region | 数据盘与镜像地域不一致 |
200 | Ebs.ImageInfo.TypeLimit | system volume is not supported | 不支持系统盘镜像 |
200 | Ebs.ImageInfo.NotExists | image not exists | 镜像不存在 |
200 | Ebs.ImageInfo.ModeLiit | only VBD is supported | 仅支持VBD模式 |
200 | EbsSnap.Param.InvalidName | name invalid | 1、快照策略名称错误,仅允许英文字母数字及_或者-,只能以英文字母开头,且长度为2-63字符。 2、快照策略名称已存在。 |
200 | EbsSnap.EbsSnapPolicyInfo.AccessFailed | querying snapshot policy info failed | 查询快照策略信息失败;快照策略不存在 |
200 | EbsSnap.EbsSnapPolicyCount.SnapPolicyCountQuotaLimited | 1、snap policy count quota not enough. 2、binding volume count quota not enough. | 1、快照策略数目配额不足。 2、策略绑定云硬盘数目配额不足。 |
200 | EbsSnap.EbsSnapPolicyOperate.AccessFailed | operation network error | 操作失败 |
200 | EbsSnap.EbsSnapPolicyOperate.InvalidParams | at least one valid modification is required | 至少需要一个有效修改项:snapshotPolicyName,repeatWeekdays,repeatTimes,retentionTime |
200 | EbsSnap.EbsSnapPolicyOperate.NotAllowed | the volume is not allowed applying policy | 该云硬盘不允许关联策略 |
200 | Ebs.EbsParam.EbsLimit | 1、mode and type is not supported. 2、xxx is not supported to be ISCSI. 3、FCSAN only supported by SAS. | 1、不支持该模式和类型。 2、xxx类型盘不支持创建ISCSI模式。 3、FCSAN只有SAS能支持。 |
200 | Ebs.Parameter.Xxxx | request param error | 1、请求参数错误(参数为空或者类型不对会返回该错误)。 2、xxx类型云硬盘不支持加密。 3、共享云硬盘不支持加密。 4、xxx类型云硬盘不支持加密、ISCSI或FCSAN。 |
200 | EbsSnap.Parameter.Xxxx | request param error | 请求参数错误 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.LabelsCountLimit | labels count quota not enough | 1、绑定的标签数量超额。 2、输入标签数量超额,最多支持绑定xxx个标签 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.ExistName | name not exists | 云硬盘名称不存在 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.ShrinkNotSupported | shrinking not supported | 云硬盘扩容容量必须大于原盘容量 |
200 | EbsSnap.Parameter.DiskID | request param error | 必选参数diskID为空 |
200 | EbsSnap.Parameter.RegionID | request param error | 必选参数RegionID为空/必选参数regionID类型错误,应为String。 |
200 | EbsSnap.Parameter.SnapshotID | request param error | 必选参数SnapshotID为空 |
200 | EbsSnap.Parameter.AzName | request param error: specified azName not exists in this region | 请求参数错误:资源池中不存在该azName |
200 | EbsSnap.Parameter.SnapshotIDs | request param error | 必选参数snapshotIDs类型错误,应为list |
200 | EbsSnap.Parameter.SnapshotName | request param error | 必选参数snapshotName为空 |
200 | EbsSnap.Parameter.RetentionPolicy | request param error | 必选参数retentionPolicy为空/必选参数retentionPolicy类型错误,应为String |
200 | EbsSnap.Parameter.DiskMode | request param error | 必选参数diskMode为空/必选参数diskMode类型错误,应为String |
200 | EbsSnap.Parameter.VolumeID | request param error | 必选参数volumeID为空/必选参数volumeID类型错误,应为String。 |
200 | Ebs.EbsInfo.AttachForbidden | 1、Unsupported combination of disk type and VM flavor, see the region's setings. 2、instance flavor does not match. | 1、不支持的云硬盘类型与云主机规格的组合,详见资源池配置。 2、FAST-SSD类型云硬盘仅支持挂载至vCPU数量至少为16的c6,m6及以上系列机型 |
200 | Ebs.Parameter.ProvisionedIops | request param error | 1、xxx类型不支持设置IOPS。 2、IOPS取值范围为[1,xxx]。 3、参数provisionedIops类型错误,应为Integer。 4、缺失必选参数provisionedIops. |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.DiskMode | snapshot source disk_mode is same as request disk_mode | 快照原盘模式与请求模式需要一致 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.NotExistName | name not exists | 云硬盘名称不存在 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.ForbiddenOnDataVolumeWithVm | forbidden operation for data volume with vm | 禁止对随主机创建的数据盘操作 |
200 | Ebs.OrderCheck.LabelsNotSupported | labels not supported | 该地域不支持标签功能 |
200 | Ebs.EbsInfo.DetachForbidden | 1、volume not attach, can't detach. 2、the volume is in the process of image uploading and cannot be detached. | 1、该磁盘未绑定云主机,不能进行解绑操作。 2、云硬盘处于镜像上传中,不允许卸载。 |
200 | Ebs.EbsAsyncRepInfo.asyncRepPairExists | volume has asynchronous replication pairs | 卷存在异步复制pair对 |
200 | Ebs.BackupInfo.NotFound | backup not found | 云硬盘备份未找到 |
200 | Ebs.BackupInfo.DataDamaged | backup's data is damaged | 云硬盘备份数据不符合预期 |
200 | Ebs.BackupInfo.Limited | this configuration is not supported for creating volumes from backups | 从备份创建盘不支持此配置 |
200 | Ebs.BackupInfo.InvalidState | the backup status is not available | 云硬盘备份状态不是available |
200 | Ebs.EbsAttach.VolumeAttachLimit | 1、the count of multiattch ebs which can attach is max, the count is 16. 2、not multiattch volume, only one ecs can be attached. 3、ebs status exception. | 1、共享盘最多挂载16个云主机。 2、非共享盘只能挂载一个云主机。 3、云硬盘不是未挂载状态, 不能进行挂载。 |
200 | Ebs.EbsAttach.FcsanAttachInstance | FCSAN is not supported to attach instance | FCSAN盘不支持挂载至云主机 |
200 | Ebs.Function.Limit | 1、this region does not support setting snapshot deletion on disk. 2、this disk does not support setting snapshot deletion. 3、this region does not support xxx. | 1、该地域不支持设置快照随盘删除。 2、随主机创建的盘不支持设置快照随盘删除。 3、该资源池不支持xxx功能 |
403 | Openapi.Common.403 | 1、ak sk signature error. 2、ak or sk not found. 3、user not found. | 1、ak/sk鉴权失败 2、ak或者sk不存在 3、用户不存在 |
200 | EbsSnap.EbsSnapInfo.DataDamaged | volume snap info damaged | 云硬盘快照信息数据不符预期 |
200 | Ebs.EbsAttach.VolumeCountLimit | attached volume count quota not enough | 云主机已挂载的盘已达到配额 |
200 | Ebs.EbsAttach.InstanceStatusLimit | instance status exception | 云主机状态不允许挂载 |
400 | Openapi.RequestParse.JsonExpected | request should be http POSTed json | 请求格式非法 |
400 | Openapi.RequestParse.EmptyRequest | request should not be empty | 请求为空 |
200 | Ebs.IAM.IamError | API permission check failed, please try again. If multiple attempts fail, please submit a work order | 用户API权限检查失败,请重试。如果多次尝试失败,请提交工单 |
200 | Unknown.IAM.NoPermission | user does not have permission to access this API | 用户没有该API权限 |
200 | Unknown.IAM.DelegatePolicyError | get user delegate policy failed | 查询用户委托关系失败 |
200 | Openapi.Workorder.AccessFailed | access internal service failed | 系统错误 |
200 | Openapi.CtyunPlatform.AccessFailed | access internal service failed | 系统错误 |
200 | Ebs.Order.OrderExtDataInvalid | order extension data invalid | 订单扩展属性不可用 |
200 | Openapi.Common.500 | Server implementation error | 服务端实现错误 |
200 | Openapi.Common.501 | Connect error | 内部错误,内部系统交互问题 |
200 | Openapi.Common.502 | Connect error | 内部错误,内部系统交互问题 |
200 | Openapi.Common.403 | Illegal request parameters | 请求参数非法 |
200 | Openapi.Common.401 | Illegal request format | 请求格式非法 |
200 | Openapi.Common.402 | Request is empty | 请求为空 |