# cuckoo_search via levy flight for global optimization
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sc_special
import random
import time
time_start = time.time() # 记录开始时间
def levy_flight(n, m, beta):
This function implements Levy's flight.
Input parameters:
n: Number of steps
m: Number of dimensions
beta: Power law index (note: 1 < beta < 2)
'n' levy steps in 'm' dimension
sigma_u = (sc_special.gamma(1+beta)*np.sin(np.pi*beta/2)/(sc_special.gamma((1+beta)/2)*beta*(2**((beta-1)/2))))**(1/beta)
sigma_v = 1
u = np.random.normal(0, sigma_u, (n, m))
v = np.random.normal(0, sigma_v, (n, m))
steps = u/((np.abs(v))**(1/beta))
return steps
def calc_fitness(fit_func, nests):
calculate each nest's fitness
Input parameters:
fit_func: User defined fitness evaluative function
nests: Nests' locations
Every nest's fitness
n, m = nests.shape
fitness = np.empty(n)
for each_nest in range(n):
fitness[each_nest] = fit_func(nests[each_nest])
return fitness
def generate_nests(n, m, lower_boundary, upper_boundary):
Generate the nests' locations
Input parameters:
n: Number of nests
m: Number of dimensions
lower_boundary: Lower bounary (example: lower_boundary = (-2, -2, -2))
upper_boundary: Upper boundary (example: upper_boundary = (2, 2, 2))
generated nests' locations
lower_boundary = np.array(lower_boundary)
upper_boundary = np.array(upper_boundary)
nests = np.empty((n, m))
for each_nest in range(n):
nests[each_nest] = lower_boundary + np.array([np.random.rand() for _ in range(m)]) * (upper_boundary - lower_boundary)
return nests
def update_nests(fit_func, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, nests, best_nest, fitness, step_coefficient):
This function is to get new nests' locations and use new better one to replace the old nest
Input parameters:
fit_func: User defined fitness evaluative function
lower_boundary: Lower bounary (example: lower_boundary = (-2, -2, -2))
upper_boundary: Upper boundary (example: upper_boundary = (2, 2, 2))
nests: Old nests' locations
best_nest: Nest with best fitness
fitness: Every nest's fitness
step_coefficient: Step size scaling factor related to the problem's scale (default: 0.1)
Updated nests' locations
lower_boundary = np.array(lower_boundary)
upper_boundary = np.array(upper_boundary)
n, m = nests.shape
# generate steps using levy flight
steps = levy_flight(n, m, 1.5)
new_nests = nests.copy()
for each_nest in range(n):
# coefficient 0.01 is to avoid levy flights becoming too aggresive
# and (nest[each_nest] - best_nest) could let the best nest be remained
step_size = step_coefficient * steps[each_nest] * (nests[each_nest] - best_nest)
step_direction = np.random.rand(m)
new_nests[each_nest] += step_size * step_direction
# apply boundary condtions
new_nests[each_nest][new_nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary] = lower_boundary[new_nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary]
new_nests[each_nest][new_nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary] = upper_boundary[new_nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary]
new_fitness = calc_fitness(fit_func, new_nests)
nests[new_fitness > fitness] = new_nests[new_fitness > fitness]
return nests
def abandon_nests(nests, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, pa):
Some cuckoos' eggs are found by hosts, and are abandoned.So cuckoos need to find new nests.
Input parameters:
nests: Current nests' locations
lower_boundary: Lower bounary (example: lower_boundary = (-2, -2, -2))
upper_boundary: Upper boundary (example: upper_boundary = (2, 2, 2))
pa: Possibility that hosts find cuckoos' eggs
Updated nests' locations
lower_boundary = np.array(lower_boundary)
upper_boundary = np.array(upper_boundary)
n, m = nests.shape
for each_nest in range(n):
if (np.random.rand() < pa):
step_size = np.random.rand() * (nests[np.random.randint(0, n)] - nests[np.random.randint(0, n)])
nests[each_nest] += step_size
# apply boundary condtions
nests[each_nest][nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary] = lower_boundary[nests[each_nest] < lower_boundary]
nests[each_nest][nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary] = upper_boundary[nests[each_nest] > upper_boundary]
return nests
def cuckoo_search(n, m, fit_func, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, iter_num = 1000,pa = 0.25, beta = 1.5, step_size = 0.01):
Cuckoo search function
Input parameters:
n: Number of nests
m: Number of dimensions
fit_func: User defined fitness evaluative function
lower_boundary: Lower bounary (example: lower_boundary = (-2, -2, -2))
upper_boundary: Upper boundary (example: upper_boundary = (2, 2, 2))
iter_num: Number of iterations (default: 100)
pa: Possibility that hosts find cuckoos' eggs (default: 0.25)
beta: Power law index (note: 1 < beta < 2) (default: 1.5)
step_size: Step size scaling factor related to the problem's scale (default: 0.1)
The best solution and its value
# get initial nests' locations
nests = generate_nests(n, m, lower_boundary, upper_boundary)
fitness = calc_fitness(fit_func, nests)
# get the best nest and record it
best_nest_index = np.argmin(fitness)
best_fitness = fitness[best_nest_index]
best_nest = nests[best_nest_index].copy()
for _ in range(iter_num):
nests = update_nests(fit_func, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, nests, best_nest, fitness, step_size)
nests = abandon_nests(nests, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, pa)
fitness = calc_fitness(fit_func, nests)
min_nest_index = np.argmin(fitness)
min_fitness = fitness[min_nest_index]
min_nest = nests[min_nest_index]
if (min_fitness < best_fitness):
best_nest = min_nest.copy()
best_fitness = min_fitness
return (best_nest, best_fitness)
对布谷鸟算法的搜索能力,我们采用 Goldstein-Price函数进行测试。Goldstein-Price函数是二元八次多项式,是一个常见的用来进行算法测试的函数,可以用算法找它的局部最小值。该函数理论在x=0,y=-1处取得最小值3,该函数的公式如下:
if __name__=='__main__':
def fit_func(nest):
x= nest
#return 3*(1-x)**2*np.e**(-x**2-(y+1)**2) - 10*(x/5-x**3-y**5)*np.e**(-x**2-y**2) - (np.e**(-(x+1)**2-y**2))/3
return (1+pow((1+x[0]+x[1]),2)*(19-14*x[0]+3*x[0]*x[0]-14*x[1]+6*x[0]*x[1]+3*x[1]*x[1]))*(30+pow((2*x[0]-3*x[1]),2)*(18-32*x[0]+12*x[0]*x[0]+48*x[1]-36*x[0]*x[1]+27*x[1]*x[1]))
best_nest, best_fitness = cuckoo_search(100, 2, fit_func, [-3, -3], [3, 3],iter_num = 1000, step_size = 0.1)
time_end = time.time() # 记录结束时间
time_sum = time_end - time_start # 计算的时间差为程序的执行时间,单位为秒/s
print('最小值为:%.5f, 在(%.5f, %.5f)处取到!'%(best_fitness, best_nest[0], best_nest[1]))