Hope all your Christmas dreams come true!
Hope you enjoy the happiness of Christmas and all the trimmings.
Warm hearted wishes for an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.
I wish you a merry Christmas. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.
In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.
May the Christmas be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes.
May the glow of Christmas candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright. Have a love filled Christmas and New Year!
May the bright and festive glow of Christmas candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying Christmas Day and wishing you a New Year that is happy in every way.
from turtle import * from random import * import math
(1) 画笔运动命令
(2) 画笔控制命令
(3) 全局控制命令
from turtle import * from random import * import math # 绘图方法 def Rightdraw(Range, Fd, Right): for i in range(Range): # Range循环次数 fd(Fd) # 向前Fd个距离 right(Right) # 在当前行进方向再向右偏转Right度 def Leftdraw(Range, Fd, Left): for i in range(Range): # Range循环次数 fd(Fd) # 向前Fd个距离 left(Left) # 在当前行进方向再向右偏转Right度 # 背景改为黑色 screensize(bg='black') # 重设海龟位置 def changeMypos(x, y, range=heading(), Fd=0): penup() goto(x, y) seth(range) fd(Fd) pendown() def drawBranch(x, y, size=1): changeMypos(x, y) Leftdraw(6, 3, 9) seth(0) Rightdraw(6, 3, 9) seth(0) fd(6) # 画五角星 def drawStar(x, y, Range, size): pensize(1) color("red", "yellow") begin_fill() changeMypos(x, y, Range) for i in range(5): # 画五角星 forward(10 * size) right(144) # 五角星的角度 forward(10 * size) left(72) # 继续换角度 end_fill() right(126) # 绘制雪花 def drawSnow(): hideturtle() speed(0) pencolor("white") pensize(2) for i in range(100): # 雪花数量 changeMypos(randint(-248, 248), randint(-100, 248)) petalNumber = 6 # 雪花花瓣数为6 snowSize = int(randint(2, 10)) for j in range(petalNumber): fd(snowSize) backward(snowSize) right(360 / petalNumber) # 圣诞袜子 def drawSock(x, y, range, size=1): # 绘制袜子的白边 pensize(1) changeMypos(x, y, range) color("black", "white") begin_fill() fd(20 * size) circle(3 * size, 180) fd(20 * size) circle(3 * size, 180) end_fill() # 绘制袜子的下半部分 color("white", "red") begin_fill() startx = x + 2 * size * math.cos(math.radians(range)) starty = y + 2 * size * math.sin(math.radians(range)) finalx = x + 18 * size * (math.cos(math.radians(range))) finaly = y + 18 * size * (math.sin(math.radians(range))) changeMypos(startx, starty, range - 90) fd(20 * size) # 圆弧距离白边40 seth(180 + range) fd(5 * size) # 向袜子头延伸10 circle(7 * size, 180) # 袜子头处的半圆形 fd(21 * size) # 袜子宽42 seth(90 + range) d = distance(finalx, finaly) # 找到袜子底部与白边的距离 fd(d) seth(range + 180) fd(16 * size) end_fill() # 圣诞帽 def drawHat(x, y, range, size=1): # 绘制帽白边 pensize(1) changeMypos(x, y, range) color("white", "white") begin_fill() fd(20 * size) circle(-3 * size, 180) fd(20 * size) circle(-3 * size, 180) end_fill() # 绘制帽子上半部分 color("white", "red") begin_fill() startx = x + 2 * size * math.cos(math.radians(range)) starty = y + 2 * size * math.sin(math.radians(range)) finalx = x + 18 * size * (math.cos(math.radians(range))) finaly = y + 18 * size * (math.sin(math.radians(range))) changeMypos(startx, starty, range + 90) Rightdraw(18, 2 * size, 7) seth(190) Leftdraw(9, 2 * size, 8) goto(finalx, finaly) goto(startx, starty) end_fill() # 绘制圣诞帽上的小球 changeMypos(startx, starty, range + 90) Rightdraw(18, 2 * size, 7) begin_fill() color("white", "white") circle(-2.5 * size) end_fill() # 绘制彩带 def drawRibbon(x, y, range, size): begin_fill() color("red", "red") seth(range + 40) fd(15 * size * math.tan(math.radians(range + 40))) seth(range + 90) fd(20 / 3 * size) seth(range - 140) fd(15 * size * math.tan(math.radians(range + 40))) seth(range - 90) fd(20 / 3 * size) end_fill() # 圣诞糖果 def drawCandy(x, y, range, size): # 绘制糖体 pensize(1) changeMypos(x, y, range) color("white", "white") begin_fill() startx = x + 2 * size * math.cos(math.radians(range)) starty = y + 2 * size * math.sin(math.radians(range)) finalx = x + 8 * size * (math.cos(math.radians(range))) finaly = y + 8 * size * (math.sin(math.radians(range))) changeMypos(startx, starty, range + 90, 40 * size) circle(-40 / 3 * size, 180) circle(-8 / 3 * size, 180) circle(22 / 3 * size, 180) goto(finalx, finaly) goto(startx, starty) end_fill() # 绘制下面三条彩带 color("white") changeMypos(startx, starty, range + 90) fd(10 / 3 * size) drawRibbon(xcor(), ycor(), range, size) changeMypos(xcor(), ycor(), range + 90, 13.3 * size) drawRibbon(xcor(), ycor(), range, size) changeMypos(xcor(), ycor(), range + 90, 13.3 * size) drawRibbon(xcor(), ycor(), range, size) # 绘制弧线段的彩带 changeMypos(startx, starty, range + 90, 40 * size) circle(-13.3 * size, 55) x1 = xcor() y1 = ycor() begin_fill() circle(-13.3 * size, 80) right(75) fd(6.3 * size) right(115) circle(7 * size, 85) goto(x1, y1) end_fill() setup(500, 500, startx=None, starty=None) title("Merry Christmas") speed(0) pencolor("green") pensize(10) hideturtle() changeMypos(0, 185, 0) # shape(name= "classic") # # 树顶层 seth(-120) Rightdraw(10, 12, 2) changeMypos(0, 185, -60) Leftdraw(10, 12, 2) changeMypos(xcor(), ycor(), -150, 10) # # 第一层的波浪 for i in range(4): Rightdraw(5, 7, 15) seth(-150) penup() fd(2) pendown() # # 树二层 changeMypos(-55, 70, -120) Rightdraw(10, 8, 5) changeMypos(50, 73, -60) Leftdraw(10, 8, 5) changeMypos(xcor(), ycor(), -120, 10) seth(-145) pendown() # # 第二层的波浪 for i in range(5): Rightdraw(5, 9, 15) seth(-152.5) penup() fd(3) pendown() # 树三层 changeMypos(-100, 0, -120) Rightdraw(10, 6.5, 4.5) changeMypos(80, 0, -50) Leftdraw(10, 6, 3) changeMypos(xcor(), ycor(), -120, 10) seth(-145) # # # 第三次的波浪 for i in range(6): Rightdraw(5, 9, 15) seth(-152) penup() fd(3) pendown() # # 树四层 changeMypos(-120, -55, -130) Rightdraw(7, 10, 4) changeMypos(100, -55, -50) Leftdraw(7, 10, 5) changeMypos(xcor(), ycor(), -120, 10) seth(-155) # # 第四层的波浪 for i in range(7): Rightdraw(5, 9, 13) seth(-155) penup() fd(3) pendown() # 树根 changeMypos(-70, -120, -85) Leftdraw(3, 8, 3) changeMypos(70, -120, -95) Rightdraw(3, 8, 3) changeMypos(xcor(), ycor(), -170, 10) Rightdraw(10, 12, 2) # 画树枝 drawBranch(45, -80) drawBranch(-70, -25) drawBranch(-20, 40) # 添加挂件 drawHat(-25, 175, -10, 2.5) drawCandy(-75, -50, -10, 1) # -10别动了,这个绘制有点烦,我没做转角功能 drawCandy(10, 40, -10, 1.2) drawStar(110, -90, 80, 1) drawStar(-120, -100, 50, 1) drawStar(-90, -50, 20, 1) drawStar(90, -25, 30, 1) drawSock(10, -35, -10, 2) drawSock(-40, 100, 10, 1) drawStar(-20, 40, 30, 1) drawStar(10, 120, 90, 1) # 打印祝福语 color("skyblue", "blue") # 定义字体颜色 penup() goto(0, -230) write("Merry Christmas", align="center", font=("Comic Sans MS", 60, "bold")) # 定义文字、位置、字体、大小 # 调用下雪的函数 drawSnow() done()