var zmq = require("zmq");
var socket = zmq.socket("req");
var counter = 0;
// Just a helper function for logging to the console with a timestamp.
function logToConsole (message) {
console.log("[" + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + "] " + message);
function sendMessage (message) {
logToConsole("Sending: " + message);
// Add a callback for the event that is invoked when we receive a message.
socket.on("message", function (message) {
// Convert the message into a string and log to the console.
logToConsole("Response: " + message.toString("utf8"));
// Begin listening for connections on all IP addresses on port 9998.
socket.bind("tcp://*:9998", function (error) {
if (error) {
logToConsole("Failed to bind socket: " + error.message);
else {
logToConsole("Server listening on port 9998");
// Increment the counter and send the value to the clients every second.
setInterval(function () { sendMessage(counter++); }, 1000);
var zmq = require("zmq");
var socket = zmq.socket("rep");
// Just a helper function for logging to the console with a timestamp.
function logToConsole (message) {
console.log("[" + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + "] " + message);
// Add a callback for the event that is invoked when we receive a message.
socket.on("message", function (message) {
// Convert the message into a string and log to the console.
logToConsole("Received message: " + message.toString("utf8"));
// Send the message back aa a reply to the server.
// Connect to the server instance.