需要安装Nuget包Install-Package WorkflowCore.Users
public class HumanWorkflow : IWorkflow { ... public void Build(IWorkflowBuilder<object> builder) { builder .StartWith(context => .WriteLine("start")) .UserTask("Do you approve", data => "MYDOMAIN\\user") .WithOption("yes", "I approve").Do(then => then .StartWith(context => Console.WriteLine("You approved")) ) .WithOption("no", "I do not approve").Do(then => then .StartWith(context => Console.WriteLine("You did not approve")) ) .Then(context => Console.WriteLine("end")); } }
使用WorkflowHost服务上的. getopenuseractions获取给定工作流的可用用户操作列表,var openItems = host.GetOpenUserActions(workflowId);
然后使用. publishuseraction响应给定工作流的开放用户操作host.PublishUserAction(openItems.First().Key, "MYDOMAIN\\someuser", chosenValue);
public class HumanWorkflow : IWorkflow { public string Id => "HumanWorkflow"; public int Version => 1; public void Build(IWorkflowBuilder<object> builder) { builder .StartWith(context => ExecutionResult.Next()) .UserTask("Do you approve", data => @"domain\bob") .WithOption("yes", "I approve").Do(then => then .StartWith(context => Console.WriteLine("You approved")) ) .WithOption("no", "I do not approve").Do(then => then .StartWith(context => Console.WriteLine("You did not approve")) ) .WithEscalation(x => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20), x => @"domain\frank", action => action .StartWith(context => Console.WriteLine("Escalated task")) .Then(context => Console.WriteLine("Sending notification...")) ) .Then(context => Console.WriteLine("end")); } }
var host = serviceProvider.GetService<IWorkflowHost>(); host.RegisterWorkflow<HumanWorkflow>(); host.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Starting workflow..."); string workflowId = host.StartWorkflow("HumanWorkflow").Result; var timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback((state) => { PrintOptions(host, workflowId); }), null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Open user actions are"); var openItems = host.GetOpenUserActions(workflowId); foreach (var item in openItems) { Console.WriteLine(item.Prompt + ", Assigned to " + item.AssignedPrincipal); Console.WriteLine("Options are "); foreach (var option in item.Options) { Console.WriteLine(" - " + option.Key + " : " + option.Value + ", "); } //Thread.Sleep(500); var input = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); string key = item.Key; string value = item.Options.Single(x => x.Value == input).Value; Console.WriteLine("Choosing key:" + key + " value:" + value); host.PublishUserAction(key, @"domain\john", value).Wait(); } Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Open user actions left:" + host.GetOpenUserActions(workflowId).Count().ToString()); timer.Dispose(); timer = null; Console.WriteLine("Workflow ended."); Console.ReadLine(); host.Stop(); private static void PrintOptions(IWorkflowHost host, string workflowId) { var openItems = host.GetOpenUserActions(workflowId); foreach (var item in openItems) { Console.WriteLine(item.Prompt + ", Assigned to " + item.AssignedPrincipal); Console.WriteLine("Options are "); foreach (var option in item.Options) { Console.WriteLine(" - " + option.Key + " : " + option.Value + ", "); } } }