400 |
AuthorizationHeaderMalformed |
The authorization header is malformed. |
签名头格式不正确。 |
400 |
AuthorizationHeaderMalformed |
The authorization header is malformed, missing Credential. |
签名头格式不正确,需补充Credential。 |
400 |
AuthorizationHeaderMalformed |
The authorization header is malformed, missing SignedHeaders. |
签名头格式不正确,需补充SignedHeaders。 |
400 |
AuthorizationHeaderMalformed |
The authorization header is malformed, missing Signature. |
签名头格式不正确,需补充Signature。 |
400 |
AuthorizationHeaderMalformed |
The authorization header is malformed, the Credential is mal-formed, expecting 'YOUR-AKID/YYYYMMDD/REGION/SERVICE/aws4_request'. |
签名头中Credential格式不正确,格式应该为'YOUR-AKID/YYYYMMDD/REGION/SERVICE/aws4_request'。 |
400 |
AuthorizationHeaderMalformed |
The authorization header is malformed, the date format 'date' is wrong, expecting 'YYYYMMDD'. |
签名头中date格式不正确,应该为'YYYYMMDD'。 |
400 |
AuthorizationHeaderMalformed |
The authorization header is malformed, the region*'region'* is wrong, expecting 'region'. |
签名头中区域名不正确。 |
400 |
AuthorizationHeaderMalformed |
The authorization header is malformed, incorrect service 'service'. This endpoint belongs to 'endpoint'. |
签名头不正确,服务域名不对。 |
400 |
AuthorizationHeaderMalformed |
The authorization header is malformed, incorrect terminal 'terminal'. This endpoint uses 'aws4_request'. |
签名头不正确,endpoint应使用服务aws4_request。 |
400 |
AuthorizationPostFormFieldsError |
Form Post authentication version 4 requires the policy, x-amz-algorithm, x-amz-credential, x-amz-signature, x-amz-date form fields. |
V4签名中policy、x-amz-algorithm、x-amz-credential、x-amz-signature、x-amz-date不能为空。 |
400 |
AuthorizationPostFormFieldsError |
X-amz-algorithm only supports 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256'. |
v4签名算法仅支持AWS4-HMAC-SHA256。 |
400 |
AuthorizationPostFormFieldsError |
X-amz-date must be in the ISO8601 Long Format "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'". |
x-amz-date必须是ISO8601时间格式yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'。 |
400 |
AuthorizationQueryParametersError |
X-Amz-Algorithm only supports 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256'. |
V4预签名签名算法仅支持AWS4-HMAC-SHA256。 |
400 |
AuthorizationQueryParametersError |
Query-string authentication version 4 requires the X-Amz-Algorithm, X-Amz-Credential, X-Amz-Signature, X-Amz-Date, X-Amz-SignedHeaders, and X-Amz-Expires parameters. |
V4预签名需要下列参数:X-Amz-Algorithm, X-Amz-Credential, X-Amz-Signature, X-Amz-Date, X-Amz-SignedHeaders, and X-Amz-Expires。 |
400 |
AuthorizationQueryParametersError |
X-Amz-Expires must be less than a week (in seconds); that is, the given X-Amz-Expires must be less than 604800 seconds. |
V4预签名生成时间不能超过7天。 |
400 |
AuthorizationQueryParametersError |
X-Amz-Expires must be non-negative. |
V4预签名过期时间不能为负数。 |
400 |
AuthorizationQueryParametersError |
X-Amz-Date must be in the ISO8601 Long Format "yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'". |
V4预签名X-Amz-Date必须是ISO8601时间格式yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'。 |
400 |
AuthorizationQueryParametersError |
Invalid credential date*"date". This date is not the same as X-Amz-Date:"date"*. |
V4预签名credential date与X-Amz-Date的日期需要保持一致。 |
400 |
BadDigest |
The Content-MD5 you specified did not match what we received. |
Content-MD5不正确。 |
400 |
BadRequest |
Advance cut's position is out of image. |
剪切图片时起始坐标超过原图片尺寸。 |
400 |
CanNotModifyMetadataLocation |
Can not modifiy bucket metadata location. |
不能修改元数据位置。 |
400 |
IdMismatch |
Document ID does not match the specified configuration ID. |
请求头和请求体中清单ID输入不一致。 |
400 |
IncompleteBody |
You did not provide the number of bytes specified by the Content-Length HTTP header. |
Content-Length配置的长度与实际收到的数据长度不符,请检查后重发。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
User key must have a length greater than 0. |
表单上传文件时Key项的值不能为空。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The authorization header is invalid. Expected AccessKeyId:signature. |
v2签名格式不正确,应该为“AccessKeyId:signature”。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
x-amz-content-sha256 must be UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD, STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD, or a valid sha256 value. |
v4签名x-amz-content-sha256必须是UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD, STREAMING-AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-PAYLOAD或者有效的sha256值。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Unsupported authorization type. |
v4签名Authentication标头只支持AWS4-HMAC-SHA256算法。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Bucket POST must contain a field named 'AWSAccessKeyId'. If it is specified, please check the order of the fields. |
必须包含字段AWSAccessKeyId。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Bucket POST must contain a field named 'policy'. If it is specified, please check the order of the fields. |
必须包含字段policy。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Bucket POST must contain a field named 'signature'. If it is specified, please check the order of the fields. |
必须包含字段signature。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
POST requires exactly one file upload per request. |
POST请求每次只能上传一个文件。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Bucket POST must contain a field named 'key'. If it is specified, please check the order of the fields. |
表单上传中必须指定key。如果已指定,请检查字段顺序。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
If the TargetBucket element does not exist, the TargetPrefix element cannot exist either. |
在配置日志规则时,如果TargetBucket元素不存在,则TargetPrefix也不能存在。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The target prefix exceeds 900 bytes. |
配置日志记录规则时,TargetPrefix的长度不能超过900字节。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
ID length should not exceed allowed limit of 255. |
配置生命周期规则时,Rule ID长度不能超过255。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
At least one action needs to be specified in a rule. |
配置生命周期规则时,必须配置过期时间,Days或Date。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
'Days' for [Transition|Expiration] action must be a positive integer. |
配置生命周期规则时,Days必须为正整数。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Only one action can be specified in the rule. |
配置生命周期规则时,Days或Date只能存在一个。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
'Date' must be at midnight GMT. |
配置生命周期规则时,Date必须为ISO8601格式,并且为UTC的零点。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Invalid target Storage class for Transition action. |
指定的存储类型无效。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Default retention period must be a positive integer value. |
合规保留日期取值必须是正整数。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Object lock configuration has been enabled and can not be disabled. |
合规保留已经开启,不能关闭。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Default retention period cannot be less than previously value. |
设置的合规保留时长不能短于上次设置的时长。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
MaxUploads should be between 1~1000. |
max-uploads的取值范围为[1,1000]。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The length of delimiter must be 1. |
delimiter长度不能超过1。并且只能是‘/’或空。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
MaxKeys should be between 1~1000. |
参数maxKeys取值范围为[1,1000]。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Max-parts should be between 1~1000. |
max-parts取值范围为[1,1000]。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Part-number-marker must be an integer between 0 and 2147483647. |
part-number-marker必须是整数,取值范围是(0, 2147483647)。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
x-amz-limitrate invalid. The input should be positive integer. |
x-amz-limitrate取值必须为正整数。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Invalid request parameter: value. |
参数无效。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The object size should be less than 5TiB. |
文件大小不能超过5TiB。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The 'Expires' field format invalid. The 'Expires' header format invalid. |
Expires格式不正确。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The metadata size should be less than 2KiB. |
用户自定义元数据不能超过2KiB。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Insufficient information. Origin request header needed. |
跨域预检时,请求头不正确。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Please enter an integer not less than -1. |
CORS配置中MaxAgeSeconds取值为不小于-1的整数。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Invalid Access-Control-Request-Method:value . |
Access-Control-Request-Method无效。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The x-amz-copy-source-range value must be of the form bytes=first-last where first and last are the zero-based offsets of the first and last bytes to copy. |
x-amz-copy-source-range形式必须为bytes=first -last,其中第一个和最后一个都是以零为基础开始的偏移量。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Invalid protocol, protocol can be http or https. If not defined the protocol will be selected automatically. |
指定的http协议值不正确。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The provided host name contains N characters. The maximum allowed redirect page size is 1024 characters. |
HostName包含的字符个数大于1024。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The provided home page contains N characters. The maximum allowed home page size is 1024 characters. |
首页包含的字符个数大于1024。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The provided error page contains N characters. The maximum allowed error page size is 1024 characters. |
错误页包含的字符个数大于1024。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The provided replacement contains N characters. The maximum allowed replacement size is 1024 characters. |
重定向规则中ReplaceKeyPrefixWith或者ReplaceKeyWith包含的字符个数大于1024。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The provided prefix contains N characters.The maximum allowed prefix size is 1024 characters. |
重定向规则中KeyPrefixEquals包含的字符个数大于1024。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
RedirectAllRequestsTo cannot be provided in conjunction with other Routing Rules. |
重定向所有请求不能与其他规则同时存在。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The IndexDocument Suffix cannot contain the "/" character. |
索引页配置不能包含斜杠“/”。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The IndexDocument Suffix cannot be blank. |
索引页配置不能为空。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Missing required key 'Redirect'. |
缺少必需的参数Redirect。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The ErrorDocument Key cannot be blank. |
错误页配置不能为空。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The HostName cannot be blank. |
HostName配置不能为空。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The HostName cannot contain the "/" character. |
HostName不能包含斜杠“/”。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The provided HTTP error code (value) is not valid. Valid codes are 4XX or 5XX. |
重定向条件中的HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals不是有效值。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Missing required key 'HostName'. |
缺少必需的参数HostName。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The HostName cannot contain spaces. |
HostName配置不能包含空格。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
A value for IndexDocument Suffix must be provided if RedirectAllRequestsTo is empty. |
重定向所有请求未配置时,索引文件必须配置。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The destination bucket does not belong to you. |
目的Bucket为他人的Bucket。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Invalid Format value. |
清单的格式不正确,取值只能为CSV。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Invalid Field value. |
Field值填写错误。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The maximum size of a Destination/Prefix is 512. |
Prefix最大长度为512。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The maximum size of a Filter/Prefix is 1024. |
Prefix最大长度为1024。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
IsEnabled value expects true or false. |
IsEnabled的取值只能为true或false。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Frequency value expects Daily or Weekly. |
Frequency的取值只能为Daily或Weekly。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Schedule/Frequency missing. |
Frequency未填写。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
InventoryConfiguration/Destination/OOSBucketDestination/Bucket missing. |
清单的目的Bucket未填写。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
IsEnabled missing. |
IsEnabled缺失。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
InventoryConfiguration/Destination/OOSBucketDestination/Format missing. |
清单的输出格式缺失。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Invalid id. |
Id无效。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
Id missing. |
请求体中的id缺失。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
The type of 'IsAccessTime' must be Boolean. |
IsAccessTime取值应为布尔型,true或者false。 |
400 |
InvalidArgument |
'Days' in the Expiration action for prefix 'prefix ' must be greater than 'Days' in the Transition action. |
两生命周期规则重叠时,过期删除天数必须大于过期转储天数。 |
400 |
InvalidBucketCorsConfigure |
The XML you provided is not valid. |
XML无效。 |
400 |
InvalidBucketName |
The bucket name is:name . |
Bucket名字无效。 |
400 |
InvalidConfigurationId |
The specified configuration id is invalid. |
请求头的清单ID未填写。 |
400 |
InvalidLocationConstraint |
The specified location constraint is not valid. |
指定的数据位置无效。 |
400 |
InvalidObjectName |
The object name is:name . |
文件名字无效。 |
400 |
InvalidOOSDestinationBucket |
Invalid Bucket ARN. |
Bucket ARN的格式不正确。 |
400 |
InvalidOOSDestinationBucket |
Invalid Bucket Name:bucketname . |
清单输出的目的Bucket不存在。 |
400 |
InvalidPart |
One or more of the specified parts could not be found. The part may not have been uploaded, or the specified entity tag may not match the part's entity tag. |
一个或者多个指定片段无法找到,片段可能没有被上传,或者指定的ETag值跟片段的ETag值不匹配。 |
400 |
InvalidPartNumber |
Part number must be an integer between 1 and 10000. |
参数PartNumber的取值是[1, 10000]。 |
400 |
InvalidPartOrder |
The list of parts was not in ascending order. The parts list must be specified in order by part number. |
分片片段列表没有按升序排列。片段列表必须根据分片号按顺序排列。 |
400 |
InvalidPartSize |
Your proposed upload is smaller than the minimum allowed object size. Each part must be at least 5 MiB in size, except the last part. |
合并分片文件时,只允许最后一片小于5MiB,其他分片至少5MiB。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Invalid Policy: JSON invalid:value . |
策略无效,不是标准的json格式。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Invalid according to Policy: Extra input fields:value . |
策略无效,输入了额外的字段。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy could not be parsed as a valid JSON string. |
策略必须是json格式。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy is missing required element - Statement. |
策略必须配置Statement。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy is missing required element - Principal. |
策略必须配置Principal。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy element has invalid value - Principal. |
策略配置的Principal值无效。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy is missing required element - Resource. |
策略必须配置Resource元素。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy is missing required element - Resource content. |
策略的Resource元素必须赋值。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy has invalid resource -resource . |
策略配置的Resource无效。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy has an invalid condition key -key . |
策略配置的condition key无效。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
No such condition type -type. |
策略配置的condition type无效。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Action does not apply to any resource(s) in statement. |
策略配置的Action无效。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy is missing required element - Effect. |
策略必须配置Effect。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy element has invalid value - Effect :Effect . |
策略配置的Effect无效。 |
400 |
InvalidPolicyDocument |
Policy element has invalid value - Version :Version . |
策略配置的Version无效。 |
400 |
InvalidRedirectLocation |
The website redirect location must be non-empty. |
x-amz-website-redirect-location头不能为空。 |
400 |
InvalidRedirectLocation |
The website redirect location must have a prefix of 'http://' or 'https://' or '/'. |
x-amz-website-redirect-location必须有前缀'http://'、'https://'或'/'.。 |
400 |
InvalidRedirectLocation |
The length of website redirect location cannot exceed 2,048 characters. |
x-amz-website-redirect-location长度不能超过2048。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
Missing required header for this request: x-amz-content-sha256. |
v4签名必须携带x-amz-content-sha256。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
Missing required header for this request: Content-MD5. |
请求头必须包含Content-MD5。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
Please reduce your request rate. |
请降低您的请求频率。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
The operation failed, please change a resource pool and try again. |
请换其他资源池或者重试。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
This copy request is illegal because it is trying to copy an object to itself without changing the object's metadata or storage class. |
复制文件时必须修改元数据或者存储类型。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
x-amz-limitrate invalid.The input should be positive integer. |
x-amz-limitrate只能是正整数。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
The source object size cannot be smaller than 5 GiB. |
如果源文件取range进行拷贝,源文件大小不能小于5G。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
You can only define ReplaceKeyPrefix or ReplaceKey but not both. |
ReplaceKeyPrefix或者ReplaceKey不能同时存在。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
Condition cannot be empty. To redirect all requests without a condition, the condition element shouldn't be present. |
Condition配置不能为空。不带条件的情况下,重定向所有请求不应该出现condition元素。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
The maximum size of a prefix is 1024. |
配置生命周期规则时,前缀的最大长度为1024。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
Number of lifecycle rules should not exceed allowed limit of 1000 rules. |
同一Bucket配置的生命周期规则不能超过1000条。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
Rule ID must be unique. Found same ID for more than one rule. |
配置生命周期规则时,Rule ID必须唯一。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
Found two rules with same prefix 'prefix ' for same action type [Transition|Expiration]. |
同一Bucket的两条生命周期规则不能有相同的prefix。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
Found overlapping prefixes 'prefix ' and ' prefix ' for same action type [Transition|Expiration]. |
同一Bucket的两条生命周期规则不能有前缀重叠的情况。 |
400 |
InvalidRequest |
Found overlapping prefixes 'prefix ' and '' for same action type [Transition|Expiration]. |
同一Bucket的两条生命周期规则不能同时存在有前缀和无前缀规则。 |
400 |
InvalidStorageClass |
The storage class you specified is not valid. |
x-amz-storage-class无效。 |
400 |
InvalidStorageClass |
Can not specify the storage class. |
未合并的分段文件不能指定x-amz-storage-class进行拷贝。 |
400 |
InvalidTargetBucketForLogging |
The target bucket name is:name. |
日志记录规则时,目标Bucket不存在或者无目标Bucket的权限。 |
400 |
MalformedPOSTRequest |
The body of your POST request is not well-formed multipart/form-data. |
POST表单请求中content-type配置的boundary格式不规范。 |
400 |
MalformedXML |
CORS Rule is empty. |
CORS Rule不能为空。 |
400 |
MalformedXML |
The number of CORS Rules you provided cannot exceed 100. |
CORS Rules个数不能超过100。 |
400 |
MalformedXML |
The length of CORS Rule ID you provided cannot exceed 255 characters. |
CORS Rule ID长度不能超255个字符。 |
400 |
MalformedXML |
AllowedOrigin does not exist. |
CORS配置中AllowedOrigin不存在。 |
400 |
MalformedXML |
AllowedMethod does not exist. |
CORS配置中AllowedMethod不存在。 |
400 |
MalformedXML |
AllowedOrigin "value" can not have more than one wildcard. |
CORS配置中AllowedOrigin最多只能携带一个通配符。 |
400 |
MalformedXML |
AllowedHeader "value" can not have more than one wildcard. |
CORS配置中AllowedHeader最多只能携带一个通配符。 |
400 |
MalformedXML |
ExposeHeader "value" contains wildcard. We currently do not support wildcard for ExposeHeader. |
CORS配置中ExposeHeader不能携带通配符。 |
400 |
MalformedXML |
CORS Rule ID is not unique. |
CORS Rule ID必须是唯一的。 |
400 |
MalformedXML |
The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not validate against our published schema. |
XML格式不正确。 |
400 |
MaxRequestBodyLengthExceeded |
Your request was too big, the maximum size is %s . |
请求体长度太长。 |
400 |
MissingRequestBodyError |
Request Body is empty. |
请求body体为空。 |
400 |
NoSuchUpload |
The specified upload does not exist. The uploadId may be invalid, or the upload may have been aborted or completed. |
指定的分片上传过程不存在,上传ID可能非法,分片上传过程可能被终止或者已经完成。 |
400 |
PutObjectTooFast |
Upload:value is updated too fast. |
同一文件并发上传过快。 |
400 |
TooManyBuckets |
You have attempted to create more buckets than allowed. |
Bucket数量已经到达上限。 |
400 |
TooManyConfigurations |
You are attempting to create a new configuration but have already reached the 10-configuration limit. |
超出清单配置规则的数量限制,每个Bucket最多配置10条清单。 |
403 |
InvalidAccessKeyId |
InvalidAccessKeyId. |
AccessKeyId无效。 |
403 |
InvalidAccessKeyId |
The AccessKeyId is invalid. |
AccessKeyId被禁用。 |
403 |
InvalidAccessKeyId |
The specified accessKey:accessKey does not exist. |
临时密钥不存在,需重新申请。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Please use primary access key. |
需要使用主密钥。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Non-primary key can not list without prefix or prefix is not start with access key. |
非主密钥只能list以自己access key为前缀的文件。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Non-primary key can not operate bucket. |
非主密钥,不能操作该Bucket。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Non-primary key can not operate object that not start with access key. |
非主密钥只能操作以自己access key为前缀的文件。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
The secret token is expired, expiration:value . |
secret token过期。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
The OOS service has been closed due to overdue payment. If the overdue payment exceed 15 days, the data will be deleted. Please recharge it in time. |
由于逾期付款,OOS服务已关闭。如果逾期付款超过15天,数据将被删除。请及时充值。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
OOS authentication requires a valid Date or x-amz-date header. |
OOS 签名头中需要携带Date或x-amz-date。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
OOS authentication requires a valid Date or x-amz-date header, expecting" YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z'". |
OOS 签名头需要携带正确格式的Date或x-amz-date,格式为YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z'。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Invalid according to Policy: Policy expired. |
v4签名的x-amz-date时间不能超过7天。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Invalid according to Policy: Policy Condition failed:xxx |
签名策略不对。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Query-string authentication requires the Signature, Expires and AWSAccessKeyId parameters. |
V2预签名需要携带以下参数:Signature、Expires、AWSAccessKeyId。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Invalid date (should be seconds since epoch):date . |
过期时间需要精确到秒。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Request has expired. |
请求过期。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Anonymous access is forbidden for this operation. |
匿名用户禁止此操作。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
The user's permission is not enough. |
用户权限不足。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
You do not have permission to this resource pool, please try another resource pool. |
没有该资源池的权限,请使用其他资源池。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
CORSResponse: This CORS request is not allowed. This is usually because the evalution of Origin, request method / Access-Control-Request-Method or Access-Control-Request-Headers are not whitelisted by the resource's CORS spec. |
跨域预检请求没有通过CORS规则校验。请检查Origin、Access-Control-Request-Method、Access-Control-Request-Headers是否在CORS列表的白名单中。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
CORSResponse: CORS is not enabled for this bucket. |
此Bucket未配置CORS。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Access denied by bucket policy. |
受Bucket Policy的规则影响,被显示拒绝。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Access denied by bucket policy or anonymous access is forbidden. |
匿名访问被拒绝,或者被Bucket Policy规则隐式拒绝。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
User:useris not authorized to perform:actionon resource: resource . |
没有权限访问此资源。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
The user does not belong to the region. |
没有此资源池的上传权限,请更换其他资源池重试。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
You do not have permission to request the value data region. Please change the data region for the bucket and try again. |
Bucket下配置的数据位置都已失效,请重新配置,或者修改为可以自动调度。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
You are not allowed to set the public-read-write permission for the bucket. |
您不具备将容器设置为公有的权限,请联系天翼云客服协助开通此功能。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
You are not allowed to grant public-write permission to anonymous users. |
您不可以向匿名用户授予写权限,请联系天翼云客服协助开通此功能。 |
403 |
AccessDenied |
Make sure that bucket's permissions are not private before using the static website hosting feature. |
在使用静态网站托管功能之前,请确保Bucket权限不是私有。 |
403 |
Forbidden |
CORSResponse: Bucket not found. |
如果是pre-flight CORS请求,Bucket必须存在。 |
403 |
IllegalObject |
The object "bucket/object " is illegal, forbid copy. |
源文件是非法文件,不允许拷贝。 |
403 |
RequestTimeTooSkewed |
The difference between the request time and the server's time is too large. |
客户端时间和服务器端时间相差超过15分钟。 |
403 |
SignatureDoesNotMatch |
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method. |
签名计算错误,需按OOS的签名规则,请检查客户端签名计算方法。 |
403 |
SignatureDoesNotMatch |
The authorization type is malformed. |
V2签名头不是AWS开头,或者V4签名头不是AWS4-HMAC-SHA256。 |
403 |
SignatureDoesNotMatch |
Invalid order of SignedHeaders. |
V4签名SignedHeasers需按字典序排序 |
404 |
MalformedContinuationToken |
The continuation-token you provided invalid. |
continuation-token的值不正确。 |
404 |
NoSuchBucket |
The resource you requested does not exist. |
请求的Bucket不存在。 |
404 |
NoSuchBucket |
The request bucketname is name. |
复制文件时源Bucket不存在。 |
404 |
NotSuchBucketPolicy |
The bucket policy configuration does not exist. |
此Bucket Policy配置不存在。 |
404 |
NoSuchCORSConfiguration |
The CORS configuration does not exist. |
Bucket下没有配置CORS。 |
404 |
NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration |
The lifecycle configuration does not exist. |
生命周期规则配置不存在。 |
404 |
NoSuchKey |
The resource you requested does not exist. |
请求文件不存在。 |
404 |
NoSuchKey |
An Error Occurred While Attempting to Retrieve a Custom Error Document. |
尝试检索自定义错误文档时发生错误。 |
404 |
NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration |
The specified bucket does not have a website configuration. |
Bucekt未开启website功能。 |
404 |
ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError |
Object lock configuration does not exist for this bucket. |
此Bucket不存在合规保留配置。 |
405 |
MethodNotAllowed |
The specified location constraint is not valid. |
指定的数据位置无效。 |
405 |
MethodNotAllowed |
The specified method is not allowed against this resource. |
此资源不允许使用该方法。 |
409 |
BucketAlreadyExists |
BucketAlreadyExists. |
Bucket名字已存在,请更换名字。 |
409 |
BucketNotEmpty |
The bucket you tried to delete is not empty. |
Bucket非空,不能删除。 |
411 |
MissingContentLength |
You must provide the Content-Length HTTP header. |
需要提供Content-Length消息头。 |
412 |
PreconditionFailed |
Bucket post must be of the enclosure-type multipart/form-data. |
POST表单的content-type请求头不正确。 |
412 |
PreconditionFailed |
The pre-conditions x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since you specified did not hold. |
预处理条件下,指定的x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since不匹配。 |
503 |
ServiceUnavailable |
Service is busy.Please try again. |
服务器繁忙,请重试。 |
503 |
SlowDown |
Please reduce your request rate. |
请降低请求频率。 |