(1) 引入函数库
import numpy as np
import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
import os
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow. python. framework import ops
from tensorflow. examples. tutorials. mnist import input_data
mnist = input_data. read_data_sets( "datasets/MNIST_data/" , one_hot= True )
learning_rate = 0.0001
num_epochs = 10000
MODEL_NAME = "mnist_model"
( m, n_x) = mnist. train. images. shape
n_y = mnist. train. labels. shape[ 1 ]
n_1 = 500
costs = [ ]
tf. set_random_seed( 1 )
def init_para ( ) :
W1 = tf. get_variable( "w1" , [ n_x, n_1] , initializer = tf. contrib. layers. xavier_initializer( seed = 1 ) )
b1 = tf. get_variable( "b1" , [ 1 , n_1] , initializer = tf. zeros_initializer( ) )
W2 = tf. get_variable( "w2" , [ n_1, n_y] , initializer = tf. contrib. layers. xavier_initializer( seed = 1 ) )
b2 = tf. get_variable( "b2" , [ 1 , n_y] , initializer = tf. zeros_initializer( ) )
return W1, b1, W2, b2
def forward ( X, parameters, regularizer, variable_averages) :
W1, b1, W2, b2 = parameters
if regularizer != None :
tf. add_to_collection( 'losses' , regularizer( W1) )
tf. add_to_collection( 'losses' , regularizer( W2) )
if variable_averages != None :
Z1 = tf. nn. relu( tf. matmul( X, variable_averages. average( W1) ) + variable_averages. average( b1) )
Z2 = tf. matmul( Z1, variable_averages. average( W2) ) + variable_averages. average( b2)
else :
Z1 = tf. nn. relu( tf. matmul( X, W1) + b1)
Z2 = tf. matmul( Z1, W2) + b2
return Z2
def train ( ) :
X = tf. placeholder( tf. float32, shape= ( None , n_x) , name= "X" )
Y = tf. placeholder( tf. float32, shape= ( None , n_y) , name= "Y" )
prameters = init_para( )
global_step = tf. Variable( 0 , trainable = False )
regularizer = tf. contrib. layers. l2_regularizer( REGULARIZER_RATE)
variable_averages = tf. train. ExponentialMovingAverage( LEARNING_RATE_DECAY, global_step)
variable_averages_op = variable_averages. apply ( tf. trainable_variables( ) )
Y_ = forward( X, prameters, regularizer, None )
Y_avg = forward( X, prameters, None , variable_averages)
cem = tf. reduce_mean( tf. nn. softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2( logits = Y_, labels = Y) )
cost = cem + tf. add_n( tf. get_collection( 'losses' ) )
learning_rate = tf. train. exponential_decay( LEARNING_RATE_BASE, global_step, m/ BATCH_SIZE,
LEARNING_RATE_DECAY, staircase= True )
optimizer = tf. train. GradientDescentOptimizer( learning_rate) . minimize( cost, global_step = global_step)
with tf. control_dependencies( [ optimizer, variable_averages_op] ) :
train_op= tf. no_op( name = 'train' )
saver = tf. train. Saver( )
with tf. Session( ) as sess:
tf. initialize_all_variables( ) . run( )
ckpt = tf. train. get_checkpoint_state( MODEL_SAVE_PATH)
if ckpt and ckpt. model_checkpoint_path:
saver. restore( sess, ckpt. model_checkpoint_path)
for i in range ( num_epochs) :
x, y = mnist. train. next_batch( BATCH_SIZE)
sess. run( train_op, feed_dict= { X: x, Y: y} )
if i% 500 == 0 :
cost_v = sess. run( cost, feed_dict= { X: x, Y: y} )
costs. append( cost_v)
saver. save( sess, os. path. join( MODEL_SAVE_PATH, MODEL_NAME) , global_step = global_step)
print ( i, cost_v)
correct_prediction = tf. equal( tf. argmax( Y_avg, 1 ) , tf. argmax( Y, 1 ) )
accuracy = tf. reduce_mean( tf. cast( correct_prediction, "float" ) )
print ( "Train Accuracy:" , accuracy. eval ( { X: mnist. train. images, Y: mnist. train. labels} ) )
print ( "Test Accuracy:" , accuracy. eval ( { X: mnist. test. images, Y: mnist. test. labels} ) )
plt. plot( np. squeeze( costs) )
plt. ylabel( 'cost' )
plt. xlabel( 'iterations (per tens)' )
plt. title( "Learning rate =" + str ( learning_rate) )
plt. show( )
def evaluate ( mnist) :
with tf. Graph( ) . as_default( ) as g:
X = tf. placeholder( tf. float32, shape= ( None , n_x) , name= "X" )
Y = tf. placeholder( tf. float32, shape= ( None , n_y) , name= "Y" )
test_feed = { X: mnist. test. images, Y: mnist. test. labels}
prameters = init_para( )
Y_ = forward( X, prameters, None , None )
correct_prediction = tf. equal( tf. argmax( Y_, 1 ) , tf. argmax( Y, 1 ) )
accuracy = tf. reduce_mean( tf. cast( correct_prediction, "float" ) )
variable_averages = tf. train. ExponentialMovingAverage( MOVING_AVERAGE_DECCAY)
variable_averages_restore = variable_averages. variables_to_restore( )
saver = tf. train. Saver( variable_averages_restore)
with tf. Session( ) as sess:
ckpt = tf. train. get_checkpoint_state( MODEL_SAVE_PATH)
if ckpt and ckpt. model_checkpoint_path:
saver. restore( sess, ckpt. model_checkpoint_path)
global_step = ckpt. model_checkpoint_path. split( '/' ) [ - 1 ] . split( '-' ) [ - 1 ]
accuracy_feed = sess. run( accuracy, feed_dict = test_feed)
print ( "After %s training steps, valadation accuracy = %g" % ( global_step, accuracy_feed) )
else :
print ( "No checkpoint file found" )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
ops. reset_default_graph( )
train( )
evaluate( mnist)