4.5 Sobel的实现
#include "imgFeat.h"
double feat::getSobelEdge(const Mat& imgSrc, Mat& imgDst, double thresh, int direction)
cv::Mat gray;
// 灰度图转换
if (imgSrc.channels() == 3)
cv::cvtColor(imgSrc, gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
gray = imgSrc.clone();
int kx=0;
int ky=0;
if (direction == SOBEL_HORZ){
kx = 0; ky = 1;
else if (direction == SOBEL_VERT){
kx = 1; ky = 0;
kx = 1; ky = 1;
// mask 卷积模板
float mask[3][3] = { { 1, 2, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { -1, -2, -1 } };
cv::Mat y_mask = Mat(3, 3, CV_32F, mask) / 8;
cv::Mat x_mask = y_mask.t(); //
cv::Mat sobelX, sobelY;
filter2D(gray, sobelX, CV_32F, x_mask);
filter2D(gray, sobelY, CV_32F, y_mask);
sobelX = abs(sobelX);
sobelY = abs(sobelY);
// 计算梯度
cv::Mat gradient = kx*sobelX.mul(sobelX) + ky*sobelY.mul(sobelY);
int scale = 4;
double cutoff;
// 阈值计算
if (thresh = -1)
cutoff = scale*mean(gradient)[0];
thresh = sqrt(cutoff);
cutoff = thresh * thresh;
imgDst.create(gray.size(), gray.type());
for (int i = 1; i<gray.rows - 1; i++)
// 数组指针
float* sbxPtr = sobelX.ptr<float>(i);
float* sbyPtr = sobelY.ptr<float>(i);
float* prePtr = gradient.ptr<float>(i - 1);
float* curPtr = gradient.ptr<float>(i);
float* lstPtr = gradient.ptr<float>(i + 1);
uchar* rstPtr = imgDst.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 1; j<gray.cols - 1; j++)
if (curPtr[j]>cutoff && ((sbxPtr[j]>kx*sbyPtr[j] && curPtr[j]>curPtr[j - 1] && curPtr[j]>curPtr[j + 1]) ||(sbyPtr[j]>ky*sbxPtr[j] && curPtr[j]>prePtr[j] && curPtr[j]>lstPtr[j])))
rstPtr[j] = 255;
return thresh;
第六章 相关代码
1. 头文件imgFeat.h 实现
#include "imgFeat.h"
void feat::extBlobFeat(Mat& imgSrc, vector<SBlob>& blobs)
double dSigmaStart = 2;
double dSigmaEnd = 15;
double dSigmaStep = 1;
Mat image;
cvtColor(imgSrc, image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
image.convertTo(image, CV_64F);
vector<double> ivecSigmaArray;
double dInitSigma = dSigmaStart;
while (dInitSigma <= dSigmaEnd)
dInitSigma += dSigmaStep;
int iSigmaNb = ivecSigmaArray.size();
vector<Mat> matVecLOG;
for (size_t i = 0; i != iSigmaNb; i++)
double iSigma = ivecSigmaArray[i];
Size kSize(6 * iSigma + 1, 6 * iSigma + 1);
Mat HOGKernel = getHOGKernel(kSize, iSigma);
Mat imgLog;
filter2D(image, imgLog, -1, HOGKernel); // why imgLog must be an empty mat ?
imgLog = imgLog * iSigma *iSigma;
vector<SBlob> allBlobs;
for (size_t k = 1; k != matVecLOG.size() - 1 ;k++)
Mat topLev = matVecLOG[k + 1];
Mat medLev = matVecLOG[k];
Mat botLev = matVecLOG[k - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < image.rows - 1; i++)
double* pTopLevPre = topLev.ptr<double>(i - 1);
double* pTopLevCur = topLev.ptr<double>(i);
double* pTopLevAft = topLev.ptr<double>(i + 1);
double* pMedLevPre = medLev.ptr<double>(i - 1);
double* pMedLevCur = medLev.ptr<double>(i);
double* pMedLevAft = medLev.ptr<double>(i + 1);
double* pBotLevPre = botLev.ptr<double>(i - 1);
double* pBotLevCur = botLev.ptr<double>(i);
double* pBotLevAft = botLev.ptr<double>(i + 1);
for (int j = 1; j < image.cols - 1; j++)
if ((pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevCur[j -1] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevAft[j] ) ||
(pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevCur[j -1] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevAft[j] ))
SBlob blob;
blob.position = Point(j, i);
blob.sigma = ivecSigmaArray[k];
blob.value = pMedLevCur[j];
vector<bool> delFlags(allBlobs.size(), true);
for (size_t i = 0; i != allBlobs.size(); i++)
if (delFlags[i] == false)
for (size_t j = i; j != allBlobs.size(); j++)
if (delFlags[j] == false)
double distCent = sqrt((allBlobs[i].position.x - allBlobs[j].position.x) * (allBlobs[i].position.x - allBlobs[j].position.x) +
(allBlobs[i].position.y - allBlobs[j].position.y) * (allBlobs[i].position.y - allBlobs[j].position.y));
if ((allBlobs[i].sigma + allBlobs[j].sigma) / distCent > 2)
if (allBlobs[i].value >= allBlobs[j].value)
delFlags[j] = false;
delFlags[i] = true;
delFlags[i] = false;
delFlags[j] = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i != allBlobs.size(); i++)
if (delFlags[i])
sort(blobs.begin(), blobs.end(), compareBlob);
Mat feat::getHOGKernel(Size& ksize, double sigma)
Mat kernel(ksize, CV_64F);
Point centPoint = Point((ksize.width -1)/2, ((ksize.height -1)/2));
// first calculate Gaussian
for (int i=0; i < kernel.rows; i++)
double* pData = kernel.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < kernel.cols; j++)
double param = -((i - centPoint.y) * (i - centPoint.y) + (j - centPoint.x) * (j - centPoint.x)) / (2*sigma*sigma);
pData[j] = exp(param);
double maxValue;
minMaxLoc(kernel, NULL, &maxValue);
for (int i=0; i < kernel.rows; i++)
double* pData = kernel.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < kernel.cols; j++)
if (pData[j] < EPS* maxValue)
pData[j] = 0;
double sumKernel = sum(kernel)[0];
if (sumKernel != 0)
kernel = kernel / sumKernel;
// now calculate Laplacian
for (int i=0; i < kernel.rows; i++)
double* pData = kernel.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < kernel.cols; j++)
double addition = ((i - centPoint.y) * (i - centPoint.y) + (j - centPoint.x) * (j - centPoint.x) - 2*sigma*sigma)/(sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma);
pData[j] *= addition;
// make the filter sum to zero
sumKernel = sum(kernel)[0];
kernel -= (sumKernel/(ksize.width * ksize.height));
return kernel;
bool feat::compareBlob(const SBlob& lhs, const SBlob& rhs)
return lhs.value > rhs.value;
2.sobel 算法实现
#include "imgFeat.h"
void feat::extBlobFeat(Mat& imgSrc, vector<SBlob>& blobs)
double dSigmaStart = 2;
double dSigmaEnd = 15;
double dSigmaStep = 1;
Mat image;
cvtColor(imgSrc, image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
image.convertTo(image, CV_64F);
vector<double> ivecSigmaArray;
double dInitSigma = dSigmaStart;
while (dInitSigma <= dSigmaEnd)
dInitSigma += dSigmaStep;
int iSigmaNb = ivecSigmaArray.size();
vector<Mat> matVecLOG;
for (size_t i = 0; i != iSigmaNb; i++)
double iSigma = ivecSigmaArray[i];
Size kSize(6 * iSigma + 1, 6 * iSigma + 1);
Mat HOGKernel = getHOGKernel(kSize, iSigma);
Mat imgLog;
filter2D(image, imgLog, -1, HOGKernel); // why imgLog must be an empty mat ?
imgLog = imgLog * iSigma *iSigma;
vector<SBlob> allBlobs;
for (size_t k = 1; k != matVecLOG.size() - 1 ;k++)
Mat topLev = matVecLOG[k + 1];
Mat medLev = matVecLOG[k];
Mat botLev = matVecLOG[k - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < image.rows - 1; i++)
double* pTopLevPre = topLev.ptr<double>(i - 1);
double* pTopLevCur = topLev.ptr<double>(i);
double* pTopLevAft = topLev.ptr<double>(i + 1);
double* pMedLevPre = medLev.ptr<double>(i - 1);
double* pMedLevCur = medLev.ptr<double>(i);
double* pMedLevAft = medLev.ptr<double>(i + 1);
double* pBotLevPre = botLev.ptr<double>(i - 1);
double* pBotLevCur = botLev.ptr<double>(i);
double* pBotLevAft = botLev.ptr<double>(i + 1);
for (int j = 1; j < image.cols - 1; j++)
if ((pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevCur[j -1] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevAft[j] ) ||
(pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevCur[j -1] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevAft[j] ))
SBlob blob;
blob.position = Point(j, i);
blob.sigma = ivecSigmaArray[k];
blob.value = pMedLevCur[j];
vector<bool> delFlags(allBlobs.size(), true);
for (size_t i = 0; i != allBlobs.size(); i++)
if (delFlags[i] == false)
for (size_t j = i; j != allBlobs.size(); j++)
if (delFlags[j] == false)
double distCent = sqrt((allBlobs[i].position.x - allBlobs[j].position.x) * (allBlobs[i].position.x - allBlobs[j].position.x) +
(allBlobs[i].position.y - allBlobs[j].position.y) * (allBlobs[i].position.y - allBlobs[j].position.y));
if ((allBlobs[i].sigma + allBlobs[j].sigma) / distCent > 2)
if (allBlobs[i].value >= allBlobs[j].value)
delFlags[j] = false;
delFlags[i] = true;
delFlags[i] = false;
delFlags[j] = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i != allBlobs.size(); i++)
if (delFlags[i])
sort(blobs.begin(), blobs.end(), compareBlob);
Mat feat::getHOGKernel(Size& ksize, double sigma)
Mat kernel(ksize, CV_64F);
Point centPoint = Point((ksize.width -1)/2, ((ksize.height -1)/2));
// first calculate Gaussian
for (int i=0; i < kernel.rows; i++)
double* pData = kernel.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < kernel.cols; j++)
double param = -((i - centPoint.y) * (i - centPoint.y) + (j - centPoint.x) * (j - centPoint.x)) / (2*sigma*sigma);
pData[j] = exp(param);
double maxValue;
minMaxLoc(kernel, NULL, &maxValue);
for (int i=0; i < kernel.rows; i++)
double* pData = kernel.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < kernel.cols; j++)
if (pData[j] < EPS* maxValue)
pData[j] = 0;
double sumKernel = sum(kernel)[0];
if (sumKernel != 0)
kernel = kernel / sumKernel;
// now calculate Laplacian
for (int i=0; i < kernel.rows; i++)
double* pData = kernel.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < kernel.cols; j++)
double addition = ((i - centPoint.y) * (i - centPoint.y) + (j - centPoint.x) * (j - centPoint.x) - 2*sigma*sigma)/(sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma);
pData[j] *= addition;
// make the filter sum to zero
sumKernel = sum(kernel)[0];
kernel -= (sumKernel/(ksize.width * ksize.height));
return kernel;
bool feat::compareBlob(const SBlob& lhs, const SBlob& rhs)
return lhs.value > rhs.value;
3. Hog实现
#include "imgFeat.h"
void feat::extBlobFeat(Mat& imgSrc, vector<SBlob>& blobs)
double dSigmaStart = 2;
double dSigmaEnd = 15;
double dSigmaStep = 1;
Mat image;
cvtColor(imgSrc, image, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
image.convertTo(image, CV_64F);
vector<double> ivecSigmaArray;
double dInitSigma = dSigmaStart;
while (dInitSigma <= dSigmaEnd)
dInitSigma += dSigmaStep;
int iSigmaNb = ivecSigmaArray.size();
vector<Mat> matVecLOG;
for (size_t i = 0; i != iSigmaNb; i++)
double iSigma = ivecSigmaArray[i];
Size kSize(6 * iSigma + 1, 6 * iSigma + 1);
Mat HOGKernel = getHOGKernel(kSize, iSigma);
Mat imgLog;
filter2D(image, imgLog, -1, HOGKernel); // why imgLog must be an empty mat ?
imgLog = imgLog * iSigma *iSigma;
vector<SBlob> allBlobs;
for (size_t k = 1; k != matVecLOG.size() - 1 ;k++)
Mat topLev = matVecLOG[k + 1];
Mat medLev = matVecLOG[k];
Mat botLev = matVecLOG[k - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < image.rows - 1; i++)
double* pTopLevPre = topLev.ptr<double>(i - 1);
double* pTopLevCur = topLev.ptr<double>(i);
double* pTopLevAft = topLev.ptr<double>(i + 1);
double* pMedLevPre = medLev.ptr<double>(i - 1);
double* pMedLevCur = medLev.ptr<double>(i);
double* pMedLevAft = medLev.ptr<double>(i + 1);
double* pBotLevPre = botLev.ptr<double>(i - 1);
double* pBotLevCur = botLev.ptr<double>(i);
double* pBotLevAft = botLev.ptr<double>(i + 1);
for (int j = 1; j < image.cols - 1; j++)
if ((pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevCur[j -1] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pMedLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pTopLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] >= pBotLevAft[j] ) ||
(pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevCur[j -1] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pMedLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pTopLevAft[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevPre[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevPre[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevPre[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevCur[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevCur[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevCur[j] &&
pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevAft[j + 1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevAft[j -1] && pMedLevCur[j] < pBotLevAft[j] ))
SBlob blob;
blob.position = Point(j, i);
blob.sigma = ivecSigmaArray[k];
blob.value = pMedLevCur[j];
vector<bool> delFlags(allBlobs.size(), true);
for (size_t i = 0; i != allBlobs.size(); i++)
if (delFlags[i] == false)
for (size_t j = i; j != allBlobs.size(); j++)
if (delFlags[j] == false)
double distCent = sqrt((allBlobs[i].position.x - allBlobs[j].position.x) * (allBlobs[i].position.x - allBlobs[j].position.x) +
(allBlobs[i].position.y - allBlobs[j].position.y) * (allBlobs[i].position.y - allBlobs[j].position.y));
if ((allBlobs[i].sigma + allBlobs[j].sigma) / distCent > 2)
if (allBlobs[i].value >= allBlobs[j].value)
delFlags[j] = false;
delFlags[i] = true;
delFlags[i] = false;
delFlags[j] = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i != allBlobs.size(); i++)
if (delFlags[i])
sort(blobs.begin(), blobs.end(), compareBlob);
Mat feat::getHOGKernel(Size& ksize, double sigma)
Mat kernel(ksize, CV_64F);
Point centPoint = Point((ksize.width -1)/2, ((ksize.height -1)/2));
// first calculate Gaussian
for (int i=0; i < kernel.rows; i++)
double* pData = kernel.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < kernel.cols; j++)
double param = -((i - centPoint.y) * (i - centPoint.y) + (j - centPoint.x) * (j - centPoint.x)) / (2*sigma*sigma);
pData[j] = exp(param);
double maxValue;
minMaxLoc(kernel, NULL, &maxValue);
for (int i=0; i < kernel.rows; i++)
double* pData = kernel.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < kernel.cols; j++)
if (pData[j] < EPS* maxValue)
pData[j] = 0;
double sumKernel = sum(kernel)[0];
if (sumKernel != 0)
kernel = kernel / sumKernel;
// now calculate Laplacian
for (int i=0; i < kernel.rows; i++)
double* pData = kernel.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < kernel.cols; j++)
double addition = ((i - centPoint.y) * (i - centPoint.y) + (j - centPoint.x) * (j - centPoint.x) - 2*sigma*sigma)/(sigma*sigma*sigma*sigma);
pData[j] *= addition;
// make the filter sum to zero
sumKernel = sum(kernel)[0];
kernel -= (sumKernel/(ksize.width * ksize.height));
return kernel;
bool feat::compareBlob(const SBlob& lhs, const SBlob& rhs)
return lhs.value > rhs.value;
4. canny实现
#include "imgFeat.h"
void feat::getCannyEdge(const Mat& imgSrc, Mat& imgDst, double lowThresh, double highThresh, double sigma)
Mat gray;
if (imgSrc.channels() == 3)
cvtColor(imgSrc, gray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
gray = imgSrc.clone();
gray.convertTo(gray, CV_64F);
gray = gray / 255;
double gaussianDieOff = .0001;
double percentOfPixelsNotEdges = .7; // Used for selecting thresholds
double thresholdRatio = .4; // Low thresh is this fraction of the high
int possibleWidth = 30;
double ssq = sigma * sigma;
for (int i = 1; i <= possibleWidth; i++)
if (exp(-(i * i) / (2* ssq)) < gaussianDieOff)
possibleWidth = i - 1;
if (possibleWidth == 30)
possibleWidth = 1; // the user entered a reallly small sigma
// get the 1D gaussian filter
int winSz = 2 * possibleWidth + 1;
Mat gaussKernel1D(1, winSz, CV_64F);
double* kernelPtr = gaussKernel1D.ptr<double>(0);
for (int i = 0; i < gaussKernel1D.cols; i++)
kernelPtr[i] = exp(-(i - possibleWidth) * (i - possibleWidth) / (2 * ssq)) / (2 * CV_PI * ssq);
// get the derectional derivatives of gaussian kernel
Mat dGaussKernel(winSz, winSz, CV_64F);
for (int i = 0; i < dGaussKernel.rows; i++)
double* linePtr = dGaussKernel.ptr<double>(i);
for (int j = 0; j< dGaussKernel.cols; j++)
linePtr[j] = - (j - possibleWidth) * exp(-((i - possibleWidth) * (i - possibleWidth) + (j - possibleWidth) * (j - possibleWidth)) / (2 * ssq)) / (CV_PI * ssq);
/* smooth the image out*/
Mat imgSmooth;
filter2D(gray, imgSmooth, -1, gaussKernel1D);
filter2D(imgSmooth, imgSmooth, -1, gaussKernel1D.t());
/*apply directional derivatives*/
Mat imgX, imgY;
filter2D(imgSmooth, imgX, -1, dGaussKernel);
filter2D(imgSmooth, imgY, -1, dGaussKernel.t());
Mat imgMag;
sqrt(imgX.mul(imgX) + imgY.mul(imgY), imgMag);
double magMax;
minMaxLoc(imgMag, NULL, &magMax, NULL, NULL);
if (magMax > 0 )
imgMag = imgMag / magMax;
if (lowThresh == -1 || highThresh == -1)
highThresh = getCannyThresh(imgMag, percentOfPixelsNotEdges);
lowThresh = thresholdRatio * highThresh;
Mat imgStrong = Mat::zeros(imgMag.size(), CV_8U);
Mat imgWeak = Mat::zeros(imgMag.size(), CV_8U);
for (int dir = 1; dir <= 4; dir++)
Mat gradMag1(imgMag.size(), imgMag.type());
Mat gradMag2(imgMag.size(), imgMag.type());
Mat idx = Mat::zeros(imgMag.size(), CV_8U);
if (dir == 1)
Mat dCof = abs(imgY / imgX);
idx = (imgY <= 0 & imgX > -imgY) | (imgY >= 0 & imgX < -imgY);
idx.row(idx.rows - 1).setTo(Scalar(0));
idx.col(idx.cols - 1).setTo(Scalar(0));
for (int i = 1; i < imgMag.rows - 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < imgMag.cols - 1; j++)
gradMag1.at<double>(i,j) = (1 - dCof.at<double>(i,j)) * imgMag.at<double>(i,j + 1) + dCof.at<double>(i,j) * imgMag.at<double>(i - 1,j + 1);
gradMag2.at<double>(i,j) = (1 - dCof.at<double>(i,j)) * imgMag.at<double>(i,j - 1) + dCof.at<double>(i,j) * imgMag.at<double>(i + 1,j - 1);
else if(dir == 2)
Mat dCof = abs(imgX / imgY);
idx = (imgX > 0 & -imgY >= imgX) | (imgX < 0 & -imgY <= imgX);
for (int i = 1; i < imgMag.rows - 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < imgMag.cols - 1; j++)
gradMag1.at<double>(i,j) = (1 - dCof.at<double>(i,j)) * imgMag.at<double>(i - 1,j) + dCof.at<double>(i,j) * imgMag.at<double>(i - 1,j + 1);
gradMag2.at<double>(i,j) = (1 - dCof.at<double>(i,j)) * imgMag.at<double>(i + 1,j) + dCof.at<double>(i,j) * imgMag.at<double>(i + 1,j - 1);
else if(dir == 3)
Mat dCof = abs(imgX / imgY);
idx = (imgX <= 0 & imgX > imgY) | (imgX >= 0 & imgX < imgY);
for (int i = 1; i < imgMag.rows - 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < imgMag.cols - 1; j++)
gradMag1.at<double>(i,j) = (1 - dCof.at<double>(i,j)) * imgMag.at<double>(i - 1,j) + dCof.at<double>(i,j) * imgMag.at<double>(i - 1,j - 1);
gradMag2.at<double>(i,j) = (1 - dCof.at<double>(i,j)) * imgMag.at<double>(i + 1,j) + dCof.at<double>(i,j) * imgMag.at<double>(i + 1,j + 1);
Mat dCof = abs(imgY / imgX);
idx = (imgY <0 & imgX <= imgY) | (imgY > 0 & imgX >= imgY);
for (int i = 1; i < imgMag.rows - 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < imgMag.cols - 1; j++)
gradMag1.at<double>(i,j) = (1 - dCof.at<double>(i,j)) * imgMag.at<double>(i,j - 1) + dCof.at<double>(i,j) * imgMag.at<double>(i - 1,j - 1);
gradMag2.at<double>(i,j) = (1 - dCof.at<double>(i,j)) * imgMag.at<double>(i,j + 1) + dCof.at<double>(i,j) * imgMag.at<double>(i + 1,j + 1);
Mat idxLocalMax = idx & ((imgMag >= gradMag1) & (imgMag >= gradMag2));
imgWeak = imgWeak | ((imgMag > lowThresh) & idxLocalMax);
imgStrong= imgStrong| ((imgMag > highThresh) & imgWeak);
imgDst = Mat::zeros(imgWeak.size(),imgWeak.type());
for (int i = 1; i < imgWeak.rows - 1; i++)
uchar* pWeak = imgWeak.ptr<uchar>(i);
uchar* pDst = imgDst.ptr<uchar>(i);
uchar* pStrPre = imgStrong.ptr<uchar>(i - 1);
uchar* pStrMid = imgStrong.ptr<uchar>(i);
uchar* pStrAft = imgStrong.ptr<uchar>(i + 1);
for (int j = 1; j < imgWeak.cols - 1; j++)
if (!pWeak[j])
if (pStrMid[j])
pDst[j] = 255;
if (pStrMid[j-1] || pStrMid[j+1] || pStrPre[j-1] || pStrPre[j] || pStrPre[j+1] || pStrAft[j-1] || pStrAft[j] ||pStrAft[j+1])
pDst[j] = 255;
double feat::getCannyThresh(const Mat& inputArray, double percentage)
double thresh = -1.0;
// compute the 64-hist of inputArray
int nBins = 64;
double minValue, maxValue;
minMaxLoc(inputArray, &minValue, &maxValue, NULL, NULL);
double step = (maxValue - minValue) / nBins;
vector<unsigned> histBin(nBins,0);
for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.rows; i++)
const double* pData = inputArray.ptr<double>(i);
for(int j = 0; j < inputArray.cols; j++)
int index = (pData[j] - minValue) / step;
unsigned cumSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nBins; i++)
cumSum += histBin[i];
if (cumSum > percentage * inputArray.rows * inputArray.cols)
thresh = (i + 1) / 64.0;
return thresh;
#include "imgFeat.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv)
Mat image = imread("test.jpg");
Mat cornerMap;
feat::getSobelEdge(image ,cornerMap);
feat::drawCornerOnImage(image, cornerMap);
cv::imshow("corners", image);
return 0;