inster into 插入数据超过50G以后,清空表数据的时候报错如下:
SQL 错误 [359]: ClickHouse exception, code: 359, host:, port: 8123; Code: 359, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: There was an error on [db-Clickhouse-002:9000]: Code: 359, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Table or Partition in dmp.dis_dbsc_dbys_init_local was not dropped.
1. Size (103.70 GB) is greater than max_[table/partition]_size_to_drop (50.00 GB)
2. File '/data/clickhouse/data/flags/force_drop_table' intended to force DROP doesn't exist
How to fix this:
1. Either increase (or set to zero) max_[table/partition]_size_to_drop in server config
2. Either create forcing file /data/clickhouse/data/flags/force_drop_table and make sure that ClickHouse has write permission for it.
sudo touch '/data/clickhouse/data/fl
sudo touch /data/clickhouse/data1/flags/force_drop_table && sudo chmod 666 /data/clickhouse/data1/flags/force_drop_table