状态码 | 错误码 | 返回信息 | 含义 |
200 | 0 | 成功 | 成功操作 |
400 | KMS.0101 | 参数缺失 | 所传参数缺失 |
400 | KMS.0102 | CmkUuid cannot be empty | 主密钥id不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0103 | AliasName cannot be empty | 别名不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0104 | Digest cannot be empty | 待签名值不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0105 | KeyVersionId cannot be empty | 请选择主密钥版本 |
400 | KMS.0106 | Sign algorithm cannot be empty | 请选择签名算法 |
400 | KMS.0107 | Plaintext can notbe empty | 请输入需要加密的明文 |
400 | KMS.0108 | Ciphertextblob cannot be empty | 请输入待解密密文 |
400 | KMS.0109 | Reencrypt cmkuuid cannot be empty | 请选择转加密主密钥 |
400 | KMS.0110 | Asymmetric encrypt need sourceuuid | 非对称加密需选择密文对应的主密钥id |
400 | KMS.0111 | Asymmetric encrypt need sourceKeyVersion | 非对称加密需选择密文对应的主密钥版本 |
400 | KMS.0112 | DestinationUuid cannot be empty | 转加密主密钥不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0113 | Protectionlevel cannot be empty | 保护等级不可为空 |
400 | KMS.0114 | Algorithm cannot be empty | 加密算法不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0115 | Regionid cannot be empty | 资源池id不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0116 | Enableautoatocrotatiom cannot be empty | 请选择是否进行密钥轮转 |
400 | KMS.0117 | Keyusage can not be empty | 请选择密钥用途 |
400 | KMS.0118 | Rotationinterval cannot be empty | 请选择密钥轮转周期 |
400 | KMS.0119 | Nextrotationdate is empty | 下次轮转时间为空 |
400 | KMS.0120 | Algorithm for import cannot be empty | 选择导入密钥加密算法 |
400 | KMS.0121 | KeySpec for publickey cannot be empty | 选择公钥类型 |
400 | KMS.0122 | Pendingwindowindays cannot be empty | 选择延迟删除时间 |
400 | KMS.0123 | Token cannot be empty | token为空 |
400 | KMS.0124 | Encryptenkeymeterial cannot be empty | 密钥材料不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0125 | Sign value cannot be empty | 请输入签名值 |
400 | KMS.0126 | Keyspec cannot be empty | 加密算法不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0127 | Userid cannot be empty | 用戶id不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0128 | Request JSON format is illegal | 请求JSON格式非法 |
400 | KMS.0129 | The request message is too long | 请求消息太长 |
400 | KMS.0130 |
The page size is too large |
单页数据过多 |
400 | KMS.0131 | The public blob can not be empty | 公钥不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0132 | AliasName is too long | 别名长度过长 |
400 | KMS.0133 | AliasName is not legal | 别名不合法 |
400 | KMS.0134 | Wrappingalgorithm cannot be empty | 算法不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0135 | Product cannot be empty | 产品不能为空 |
400 | KMS.0136 | Product is not exist | 产品不存在 |
400 | KMS.0137 | Messagetype is wrong | 消息格式错误 |
400 | KMS.0138 | The certificate id is wrong | 证书ID错误 |
400 | KMS.0139 | Certificate does not match certificate chain | 证书与证书链不匹配 |
400 | KMS.0140 | Certificate format error | 证书格式错误 |
400 | KMS.0141 | Certificate algorithm not supported | 证书算法不支持 |
400 | KMS.0142 | The privatekey of the certificate cannot be exported | 证书私钥不可导出 |
400 | KMS.0143 | The cert is not availible | 证书不存在 |
400 | KMS.0144 | The formate of cert export is wrong | 导出证书格式错误 |
400 | KMS.0201 | Alias already exists | 別名已存在 |
400 | KMS.0202 | The default CMK cannot create an alias | 默认主密钥不能创建别名 |
400 | KMS.0203 | The selection CMK is not available | 选择主密钥不可用 |
400 | KMS.0204 | The selected CMK is not available for signature and verification | 选择的主密钥不可用于签名验签名 |
400 | KMS.0205 | The selected CMK is not available for encryption and decryption | 选择的主密钥不可用于加密解密 |
400 | KMS.0206 | The CMK is disabled | 密钥不是可用状态 |
400 | KMS.0207 | The CMK cannot be enabled | 密钥不可启用 |
400 | KMS.0208 | The Cmk has deletion task | 密钥已有删除计划 |
400 | KMS.0209 | The CMK has no deletion task | 密钥无删除计划 |
400 | KMS.0210 | The CMK cannot be imported | 密钥不可导入 |
400 | KMS.0211 | The CMK does not support automatic rotation | 该密钥不支持自动轮转 |
400 | KMS.0212 | The selection algorithm is not supported | 选择算法不支持 |
400 | KMS.0213 | The CMK is not a symmetric key | 密钥不是对称密钥 |
400 | KMS.0214 | The CMK is not a asymmetric key | 密钥不是非对称密钥 |
400 | KMS.0215 | Wrong algorithm format | 算法格式错误 |
400 | KMS.0216 | Wrong keyusage type | 密钥用途类型错误 |
400 | KMS.0217 | Wrong input of parameter format! Please enter true / false | 参数格式输入有误!请输入true/false |
400 | KMS.0218 | Wrong protectionlevel | 保护等级错误 |
400 | KMS.0219 | Wrong ciphertext | 密文有误 |
400 | KMS.0220 | Key length input error,this algorithm only supports AES_256 | 密钥长度输入错误,该算法仅支持AES_256 |
400 | KMS.0221 | Key length input error,this algorithm only supports SM4_128 | 密钥长度输入错误,该算法仅支持SM4_128 |
400 | KMS.0222 | Key length input error,this algorithm only supports RSA_2048 | 密钥长度输入错误,该算法仅支持RSA_2048 |
400 | KMS.0223 | This algorithm only supports AES/SM4 | 目前仅支持AES/SM4算法 |
400 | KMS.0224 | Wrong rotationlevel format | 轮转周期格式不合法 |
400 | KMS.0225 | Asymmetric CMK cannot be imported | 非对称密钥不可导入 |
400 | KMS.0226 | Wrong pendingwindowindays format | 删除时间不合法 |
400 | KMS.0227 | Unsupported keyspec | 不支持的密钥类型 |
400 | KMS.0228 | The number of the CMK rotation of the user has reached the upper limit | 该用户密钥轮转次数已达上限! |
400 | KMS.0229 | Failed to execute key rotation. The key has been rotated within 7 days! | 执行密钥轮转失败,该密钥7天内已执行过轮转! |
400 | KMS.0230 | The current CMK is in the state of pause rotation. Please enable the master key or cancel the plan deletion before operation! | 当前密钥处于暂停轮转状态,请启用主密钥或取消计划删除后再操作 |
400 | KMS.0231 | PageSize exceeds threshold | pagesize超过阈值 |
400 | KMS.0232 | Symmetric key can not use to sign or verify | 对称密钥不能用于签名验签 |
400 | KMS.0233 | This key cannot operation alias | 密钥不能操作别名 |
400 | KMS.0234 | Default key cannot delete alias | 默认密钥不能删除别名 |
400 | KMS.0235 | WRONG time format | 时间格式错误 |
400 | KMS.0236 | Wrong algorithm for import | 导入密钥算法错误 |
400 | KMS.0237 | Wrong keyspec for import | 算法格式错误 |
400 | KMS.0238 | The number of asymmetric keys in a region cannot be greater than 50 | 非对称密钥不能超过50个 |
400 | KMS.0239 | Key decryption failed | 密钥解密失败 |
400 | KMS.0240 | Cmkuuid is not legal | cmkuuid不合法 |
400 | KMS.0241 | Cmk length is wrong | 对称密钥长度不合法 |
400 | KMS.0242 | Origin type wrong | 密钥类型格式错误 |
400 | KMS.0243 | The default CMK cannot update an alias | 默认主密钥不能创建别名 |
400 | KMS.0244 | The destinationKeyId is not a symmetric key | 转加密密钥不是对称密钥 |
400 | KMS.0245 | The Meterial for import is already exist | 密钥材料已经存在 |
400 | KMS.0246 | destinationKeyId cannot use | ID无法使用 |
400 | KMS.0247 | Data key ciphertext wrong | 数据密钥密文错误 |
400 | KMS.0248 | The cmk already has a meterial | 该密钥已导入 |
400 | KMS.0249 | The length of plaintext exceeds the limit | 加密数据长度超过限制 |
400 | KMS.0250 | Asymmetric CMK cannot create datakey | 非对称主密钥不能创建数据密钥 |
400 | KMS.0251 | Only support RSA cmk | 只支持RSA类型的密钥 |
400 | KMS.0252 | Plaintext need to be base64 | 非对称密钥加密解密的明文需要base64 |
400 | KMS.0253 | KeySpec cannot be empty | 密钥类型不能为空 |
400 | KMS0254 | Subject cannot be empty | 证书主体不能为空 |
400 | KMS0255 | certificateId cannot be empty | 证书id不能为空 |
400 | KMS0256 | status cannot be empty | 证书状态不能为空 |
400 | KMS0257 | the certificate has not been imported | 证书未导入 |
400 | KMS0258 | the certificate has been active | 证书已被启用 |
400 | KMS0259 | the certificate has been revoked | 证书已被吊销 |
400 | KMS0260 | the certificate has been inactive | 证书已被禁用 |
404 | KMS.0301 | The CMK does not exist or has been deleted | 密钥不存在或已删除 |
404 | KMS.0302 | The target CMK does not exist | 目标主密钥不存在 |
404 | KMS.0303 | The target alias does not exist | 目标别名不存在 |
404 | KMS.0304 | The target CMK does not exist or in illegal status | 目标主密钥不存在或状态不合法 |
404 | KMS.0305 | The destination cmk does not exist or has been deleted | 密钥不存在或已删除 |
404 | KMS.0306 | The cmk is not enable | 密钥不存在或已删除 |
404 | KMS.0307 | DestinationKeyId do not exist | DestinationKeyId不存在 |
404 | KMS.0308 | The soucekeyid CMK does not exist | 密钥不存在 |
404 | KMS.0309 | The certificate does not exist or has been deleted | 证书不存在或已删除 |
404 | KMS0310 | The certificate hsa been deleted | 证书已被删除 |
401 | KMS.0401 | Token validation failed | token验证失败 |
401 | KMS.0402 | Sign wrong | AKSK签名错误 |
401 | KMS.0403 | Time format wrong | 时间格式错误 |
401 | KMS.0404 | Out of time | 超时 |
401 | KMS.0405 | You cannot visit the url | 无法访问 |
401 | KMS.0406 | User is freeze | 用户被冻结 |
401 | kms.0407 | Interface counter exceeded | 接口达到访问次数 |
500 | KMS.0501 | There are no rotation tasks to be performed | 没有待执行的轮转任务 |
500 | KMS.0502 | Failed to delete alias | 刪除别名失败 |
500 | KMS.0503 | Key initialization failed | 密钥初始化失败 |
500 | KMS.0504 | Key decryption failed | 密钥解密失败 |
500 | KMS.0505 | HSM failed to create user key | 密码机创建用户密钥失败 |
500 | KMS.0506 | Failed to create delay delete task | 创建延时删除任务失败 |
500 | KMS.0507 | Failed to send MQ for rotation task | 轮转任务发送mq失败 |
500 | KMS.0508 | Delay delete task sending MQ failed | 延时删除任务发送mq失败 |
500 | KMS.0509 | Failed to send MQ for delete key material task | 删除密钥材料任务发送mq失败 |
500 | KMS.0510 | Failed to create default CMK | 创建默认主密钥失败 |
500 | KMS.0511 | Failed to get random key | 获取随机密钥失败 |
500 | KMS.0512 | Failed to create data key | 创建数据密钥失败 |
500 | KMS.0513 | Data key decryption failed | 数据密钥解密失败 |
500 | KMS.0514 | CMK encryption failed | 用戶主密钥加密失败 |
500 | KMS.0515 | Failed to create CMK | 创建用户密钥失败 |
500 | KMS.0516 | Key rotation failed! | 执行密钥轮转失败 |
500 | KMS.0517 | Failed to execute key rotation policy | 执行密钥轮转策略失败 |
500 | KMS.0518 | Failed to update key description | 更新密钥轮转策略失败 |