1、下载并解压:tar -zxvf UnixBench5.1.3.tgz
[root@VM-591 Unix]# tar -zxvf UnixBench5.1.3.tgz
[root@VM-591 Unix]# cd UnixBench
[root@VM-591 UnixBench]# ls
Makefile pgms README results Run src testdir USAGE WRITING_TESTS
yum -y install make automake gcc autoconf gcc-c++ time perl-Time-HiRes
# GRAPHIC_TESTS = defined
[root@VM-591 UnixBench]# make
Checking distribution of files
./pgms exists
./src exists
./testdir exists
./results exists
gcc -o ./pgms/arithoh -DTIME -Wall -pedantic -ansi -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -ffast-math -Wall -Darithoh ./src/arith.c
gcc -o ./pgms/register -DTIME -Wall -pedantic -ansi -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -ffast-math -Wall -Ddatum='register int' ./src/arith.c
gcc -o ./pgms/short -DTIME -Wall -pedantic -ansi -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -ffast-math -Wall -Ddatum=short ./src/arith.c
gcc -o ./pgms/int -DTIME -Wall -pedantic -ansi -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fforce-addr -ffast-math -Wall -Ddatum=int ./src/arith.c
显示大写的UNIX BENCH表示运行起来了。全量运行时间大概半个小时。
其内部执行参数如下:./Run 模块 -i 迭代次数 -c 进程并发数 -q/-v (输出方式。
- 模块:有时候你只想测某一个小程序的结果,那你可以修改自己去新增一个模块,修改测试内容,这对于调试是非常方便的,也可以直接指定某个执行程序。
- 迭代次数:关于迭代次数,不能想当然的就理解成这就是要执行的次数了,默认框架分为两种迭代模式,一种是短迭代次数,默认 3次,一种是 长迭代次数,默认10 次。那输入的迭代次数就是默认的长迭代次数,短迭代次数=(迭代次数+1)/3,如果结果小于就是1. 程序配置好了,该选择哪个迭代次数。
- 进程并发数:如果你想进程并发数不是系统CPU数,那就可以通过这个调整;
- 输出方式:是静默还是详细输出方式;
模块包括:"dhry2reg", "whetstone-double", "execl", "fstime", "fsbuffer", "fsdisk", "pipe", "context1", "spawn", "shell1", "shell8","syscall"
./Run dhry2reg ——CPU 1线程字符串计算能力
./Run whetstone-double -c 4——CPU 4线程浮点计算能力
./Run -c 4 ——CPU 4线程处理能力
[root@VM-782 UnixBench]# ./Run
make all
make[1]: Entering directory '/root/UnixBench'
Checking distribution of files
./pgms exists
./src exists
./testdir exists
./tmp exists
./results exists
make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/UnixBench'
sh: 3dinfo: command not found
# # # # # # # ##### ###### # # #### # #
# # ## # # # # # # # ## # # # # #
# # # # # # ## ##### ##### # # # # ######
# # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # #
# # # ## # # # # # # # ## # # # #
#### # # # # # ##### ###### # # #### # #
Version 5.1.3 Based on the Byte Magazine Unix Benchmark
Multi-CPU version Version 5 revisions by Ian Smith,
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
January 13, 2011 johantheghost at yahoo period com
1 x Dhrystone 2 using register variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Double-Precision Whetstone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Execl Throughput 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1 2 3
1 x Pipe Throughput 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Pipe-based Context Switching 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Process Creation 1 2 3
1 x System Call Overhead 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 x Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 1 2 3
1 x Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1 2 3
BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 5.1.3)
System: VM-782: GNU/Linux
OS: GNU/Linux -- 4.18.0-80.el8.x86_64 -- #1 SMP Tue Jun 4 09:19:46 UTC 2019
Machine: x86_64 (x86_64)
Benchmark Run: Fri Jun 16 2023 15:56:20 - 16:24:30
32 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 50664878.0 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 7767.2 MWIPS (9.0 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 6965.1 lps (29.9 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1664261.7 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 467750.5 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 4679303.6 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 2456830.4 lps (10.1 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 287301.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 9483.6 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 8548.7 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 4307.9 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 2360948.7 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 50664878.0 4341.5
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 7767.2 1412.2
Execl Throughput 43.0 6965.1 1619.8
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 1664261.7 4202.7
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 467750.5 2826.3
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 4679303.6 8067.8
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 2456830.4 1974.9
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 287301.5 718.3
Process Creation 126.0 9483.6 752.7
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 8548.7 2016.2
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 4307.9 7179.8
System Call Overhead 15000.0 2360948.7 [111195.012545] serial8250: too much work for irq4
System Benchmarks Index Score 2310.5
Benchmark Run: Fri Jun 16 2023 16:24:30 - 16:24:30
32 CPUs in system; running 32 parallel copies of tests
测试项 | 项目说明 | 基准线 |
Dhrystone 2 using register variables | 测试string handing | 116700.0Ips |
Double-Precision Whetstone | 测试浮点数操作的速度和效率 | 55.0MWIPS |
Execl Throughput | 每秒钟可以执行的excel系统调用的次数 | 43.0lps |
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks | 从一个文件向另外一个文件传输数据的速率 | 3960.0KBps |
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks | 从一个文件向另外一个文件传输数据的速率 | 1655.0KBps |
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks | 从一个文件向另外一个文件传输数据的速率 | 5800.0KBps |
Pipe Throughput | 测试两个进程每秒钟通过一个管道交换一个不断增长的整数的次数 | 12440.0lps |
Pipe-based Context Switching | 一秒钟内一个进程可以向一个管道写512字节数据然后再读回的次数 | 4000.0lps |
Process Creation | 每秒钟一个进程可以创建子进程然后收回子进程的次数 | 126.0lps |
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) | 一秒内一个进程可以并发的开始一个shell脚本的n个拷贝的次数,n一般取值1、2、4、8 | 6.0lpm |
System Call Overhead | 测试进入和离开操作系统内核的代价,即一次系统调用的代价 | 15000.0lpm |
yum install gcc gcc_c++
2.报错如/src/ubgears.c:48:22: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory
./src/ubgears.c:49:23: error: X11/Xutil.h: No such file or directory
./src/ubgears.c:50:24: error: X11/keysym.h: No such file or directory
./src/ubgears.c:51:19: error: GL/gl.h: No such file or directory
./src/ubgears.c:52:20: error: GL/glx.h: No such file or directory
yum install xorg-x11*
3.报错如/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext
ln -s /usr/lib64/libXext.so.6.4.0 /usr/lib/libXext.so
4.Can't locate Time/HiRes.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at ./Run line 6. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./Run line 6.
yum install perl-Time-HiRes