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Cloudflare Workers技术要点

2023-05-30 08:53:26

Cloudflare Workers技术要点

A basic Node Lambda running no real code consumes 35 MB of memory. When you can share the runtime between all of
the Isolates as we do, that drops to around 3 MB.
Isolates are lightweight contexts that group variables with the code allowed to mutate them. Most importantly, a
single process can run hundreds or thousands of Isolates, seamlessly switching between them. They make it
possible to run untrusted code from many different customers within a single operating system process. They’re
designed to start very quickly (several had to start in your web browser just for you to load this web page), and
to not allow one Isolate to access the memory of another.
But the one that has received by far the most scrutiny, and the most real-world battle testing over the years,
would be the V8 JavaScript engine from Google Chrome. We took that and embedded it in a new server environment
written in C++ from scratch.
但是,多年来受到最严格的审查和最真实的战斗测试的是Google Chrome的V8 JavaScript引擎。我们采用了它,并将其从头开始嵌入到用C
盒使用Cap'n Proto RPC(基于功能的RPC协议)与主管进行对话。(Cap'n Proto是目前由Cloudflare
同样,入站HTTP请求也不会直接进入Workers Runtime。它们首先由入站代理服务接收。该服务负责TLS终止(Workers
关于 Workers 的资源控制和安全:
用 Linux 的超时系统调用把每个 isolate 的运行时间控制在 50 毫秒。
For CPU time, we actually limit each isolate to 50 milliseconds of CPU execution per request. The way we do that
is the Linux timer create system call lets you set up to receive a signal when a certain amount of CPU time has
gone by. Then from that signal handler, we can call a V8 function, called terminate execution, which will
actually cancel execution wherever it is.
每个V8 的线程中同一时刻只运行一个 isolate,并发的请求通过多个线程处理。
An isolate in JavaScript is a single-threaded thing. JavaScript is inherently a single threaded event driven
language. So an isolate is only running on one thread at a time, other isolates can be on other threads. We don't
technically have to, but in our design, we never run more than one isolate on a thread at a time. We could have
multiple isolates assigned to one thread and handle the events as they come in. But what we don't want is for one
isolate to be able to block another with a long computation and create latency for someone else, so we put them
each on different threats.
通过监控手段控制 isolate 内代码的内存使用,如果超出就kill掉 isolate。这里也提到新的请求可能会启动新的
Instead, we end up having to do more of a monitoring approach. After each time we call into JavaScript when it
returns, we check how much use space it is now using. If it's gone a little bit over its limit, then we'll do a
soft eviction where it can continue handling in-flight requests. But for any new requests, we can just start up
another isolate. If it goes way over then we'll just kill it and cancel all the requests. This works in
conjunction with the CPU time limit because generally, you can't allocate a whole lot of data without spending
some CPU time on that, at least not JavaScript objects. Then type trays are something different, but it's a long
Another problem is we need to get our code, or the user's code, to all the machines that run that code. It sure
would be sad if we had achieved our 5 millisecond startup time only to spend 200 milliseconds waiting for some
storage server to return the code to us before we could even execute it. So what we're doing right now is
actually we distribute the code to all of the machines in our fleet up front. We already had technology for this
to distribute configuration changes to the edge, and we just said code is another kind of configuration, and
threw it in there and it works. It takes about three seconds between when you upload your code and when it's on
every machine in our fleet.
We can see when the commit lands in the V8 repository, which happens before the Chrome update, and automate our
build system so that we can get that out into production within hours automatically. We don't even need some want
to click.
他们不允许程序中使用 eval 这样的执行功能,并且会监控 0day 的攻击代码,一旦发现会检查代码并提交给Google。也提到了不支持 timer
功能和 并发特性。
There are some things, some risk management things we can do on the server, that we cannot do so easily on the
browser. One of them is we store every single piece of code that executes on our platform, because we do not
allow you to call eval to evaluate code at runtime. You have to upload your code to us and then we distribute it.
What that means is that if anyone tries to upload an attack, we now have a record of that attack. If it's a
zero-day that they have attacked, they have now burned their zero day, when we take a look at that code. We'll
submit it to Google, and then the person who uploaded won't get their $15,000.
他们也会在全部服务器上监控 segfaults 错误,并且报警,他们也会检查程序的 crash 报告。
程实现并发请求。(这里有个疑问,观众问到了是否会有 spare 空闲线程存在,以及最少数量和最大数量,好像并没有明确回答到)
As I said earlier, we start up a thread or we have different isolates running on different threads. We actually
start a thread for each incoming HTTP connection, which are connections incoming from an engine X Server on the
same machine. This is kind of a neat trick because engine X will only send one HTTP request on that connection at
a time. So this is how we know that we only have one isolate executing at a time. But we can potentially have as
many threads as are needed to handle the concurrent requests. The workers will usually be spending most of their
time waiting for some back end, so not actually executing that whole time. 
We need to make sure that we have plenty of CPU capacity in all of our locations. When we don't, when one
location gets a little overloaded, what we do is we actually shift. Usually the free users we just shift them to
other locations- the free users of our general service, there isn't a free tier of workers yet.
appstore,允许客户发布自己的 Serverless 应用程序在 appstore 上面,这样应用市场上的代码也同样会被更多的客户看到。
We look at code only for debugging and incident response purposes. We don't dig through code to see what people
are doing for fun. That's not what we want to do. We have something called the Cloudflare app store, which
actually lets you publish a worker for other people to install on their own sites. It's being able to do it with
workers is in beta right now. So this will be something that will ramp up soon. But then you sell that to other
users, and we'd much rather have people selling their neat features that they built on Cloudflare to each other
in this marketplace, than have us just build it ourselves. 
现在他们已经上线了 Serverless KV 存储,这段话提到了一个值得关注的细节,就是边缘上的 KV Store 是针对读多写少做的性能优化。
One of the first ones that's already in beta is called Workers KV. It's fairly simple right now, it's KV Store
but it's optimized for read-heavy workloads, not really for lots of writes from the edge. But there are things
we're working on that I'm very excited about but not ready to talk about yet, that will allow whole databases to
be built on the edge.
当前的 Serverless 计费模型,部署到边缘节点需要每个月5美元,处理每百万次请求0.5美元,前1000万个请求免费。比 AWS Lambda 要便宜。
Varda: Great question. If you go to, you can actually play around with it just in your web
browser. You write some code and it immediately runs, and it shows you what the result would be. That's free.
Then when you want to actually deploy it on your site, the cost is $5 per month minimum, and then it's 50 cents
per million reque
We can do a lot of monitoring. For example, we can watch for segfaults anywhere on any of our servers. They are
rare, and when they happen, we raise an alert, we look at it. And we see in the crash report, it says what script
was running. So we're going to immediately look at that script, which we have available.

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Cloudflare Workers技术要点

2023-05-30 08:53:26

Cloudflare Workers技术要点

A basic Node Lambda running no real code consumes 35 MB of memory. When you can share the runtime between all of
the Isolates as we do, that drops to around 3 MB.
Isolates are lightweight contexts that group variables with the code allowed to mutate them. Most importantly, a
single process can run hundreds or thousands of Isolates, seamlessly switching between them. They make it
possible to run untrusted code from many different customers within a single operating system process. They’re
designed to start very quickly (several had to start in your web browser just for you to load this web page), and
to not allow one Isolate to access the memory of another.
But the one that has received by far the most scrutiny, and the most real-world battle testing over the years,
would be the V8 JavaScript engine from Google Chrome. We took that and embedded it in a new server environment
written in C++ from scratch.
但是,多年来受到最严格的审查和最真实的战斗测试的是Google Chrome的V8 JavaScript引擎。我们采用了它,并将其从头开始嵌入到用C
盒使用Cap'n Proto RPC(基于功能的RPC协议)与主管进行对话。(Cap'n Proto是目前由Cloudflare
同样,入站HTTP请求也不会直接进入Workers Runtime。它们首先由入站代理服务接收。该服务负责TLS终止(Workers
关于 Workers 的资源控制和安全:
用 Linux 的超时系统调用把每个 isolate 的运行时间控制在 50 毫秒。
For CPU time, we actually limit each isolate to 50 milliseconds of CPU execution per request. The way we do that
is the Linux timer create system call lets you set up to receive a signal when a certain amount of CPU time has
gone by. Then from that signal handler, we can call a V8 function, called terminate execution, which will
actually cancel execution wherever it is.
每个V8 的线程中同一时刻只运行一个 isolate,并发的请求通过多个线程处理。
An isolate in JavaScript is a single-threaded thing. JavaScript is inherently a single threaded event driven
language. So an isolate is only running on one thread at a time, other isolates can be on other threads. We don't
technically have to, but in our design, we never run more than one isolate on a thread at a time. We could have
multiple isolates assigned to one thread and handle the events as they come in. But what we don't want is for one
isolate to be able to block another with a long computation and create latency for someone else, so we put them
each on different threats.
通过监控手段控制 isolate 内代码的内存使用,如果超出就kill掉 isolate。这里也提到新的请求可能会启动新的
Instead, we end up having to do more of a monitoring approach. After each time we call into JavaScript when it
returns, we check how much use space it is now using. If it's gone a little bit over its limit, then we'll do a
soft eviction where it can continue handling in-flight requests. But for any new requests, we can just start up
another isolate. If it goes way over then we'll just kill it and cancel all the requests. This works in
conjunction with the CPU time limit because generally, you can't allocate a whole lot of data without spending
some CPU time on that, at least not JavaScript objects. Then type trays are something different, but it's a long
Another problem is we need to get our code, or the user's code, to all the machines that run that code. It sure
would be sad if we had achieved our 5 millisecond startup time only to spend 200 milliseconds waiting for some
storage server to return the code to us before we could even execute it. So what we're doing right now is
actually we distribute the code to all of the machines in our fleet up front. We already had technology for this
to distribute configuration changes to the edge, and we just said code is another kind of configuration, and
threw it in there and it works. It takes about three seconds between when you upload your code and when it's on
every machine in our fleet.
We can see when the commit lands in the V8 repository, which happens before the Chrome update, and automate our
build system so that we can get that out into production within hours automatically. We don't even need some want
to click.
他们不允许程序中使用 eval 这样的执行功能,并且会监控 0day 的攻击代码,一旦发现会检查代码并提交给Google。也提到了不支持 timer
功能和 并发特性。
There are some things, some risk management things we can do on the server, that we cannot do so easily on the
browser. One of them is we store every single piece of code that executes on our platform, because we do not
allow you to call eval to evaluate code at runtime. You have to upload your code to us and then we distribute it.
What that means is that if anyone tries to upload an attack, we now have a record of that attack. If it's a
zero-day that they have attacked, they have now burned their zero day, when we take a look at that code. We'll
submit it to Google, and then the person who uploaded won't get their $15,000.
他们也会在全部服务器上监控 segfaults 错误,并且报警,他们也会检查程序的 crash 报告。
程实现并发请求。(这里有个疑问,观众问到了是否会有 spare 空闲线程存在,以及最少数量和最大数量,好像并没有明确回答到)
As I said earlier, we start up a thread or we have different isolates running on different threads. We actually
start a thread for each incoming HTTP connection, which are connections incoming from an engine X Server on the
same machine. This is kind of a neat trick because engine X will only send one HTTP request on that connection at
a time. So this is how we know that we only have one isolate executing at a time. But we can potentially have as
many threads as are needed to handle the concurrent requests. The workers will usually be spending most of their
time waiting for some back end, so not actually executing that whole time. 
We need to make sure that we have plenty of CPU capacity in all of our locations. When we don't, when one
location gets a little overloaded, what we do is we actually shift. Usually the free users we just shift them to
other locations- the free users of our general service, there isn't a free tier of workers yet.
appstore,允许客户发布自己的 Serverless 应用程序在 appstore 上面,这样应用市场上的代码也同样会被更多的客户看到。
We look at code only for debugging and incident response purposes. We don't dig through code to see what people
are doing for fun. That's not what we want to do. We have something called the Cloudflare app store, which
actually lets you publish a worker for other people to install on their own sites. It's being able to do it with
workers is in beta right now. So this will be something that will ramp up soon. But then you sell that to other
users, and we'd much rather have people selling their neat features that they built on Cloudflare to each other
in this marketplace, than have us just build it ourselves. 
现在他们已经上线了 Serverless KV 存储,这段话提到了一个值得关注的细节,就是边缘上的 KV Store 是针对读多写少做的性能优化。
One of the first ones that's already in beta is called Workers KV. It's fairly simple right now, it's KV Store
but it's optimized for read-heavy workloads, not really for lots of writes from the edge. But there are things
we're working on that I'm very excited about but not ready to talk about yet, that will allow whole databases to
be built on the edge.
当前的 Serverless 计费模型,部署到边缘节点需要每个月5美元,处理每百万次请求0.5美元,前1000万个请求免费。比 AWS Lambda 要便宜。
Varda: Great question. If you go to, you can actually play around with it just in your web
browser. You write some code and it immediately runs, and it shows you what the result would be. That's free.
Then when you want to actually deploy it on your site, the cost is $5 per month minimum, and then it's 50 cents
per million reque
We can do a lot of monitoring. For example, we can watch for segfaults anywhere on any of our servers. They are
rare, and when they happen, we raise an alert, we look at it. And we see in the crash report, it says what script
was running. So we're going to immediately look at that script, which we have available.

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